Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sat, Feb 1, 2025

Poll Archive

04.24.14 What is your favorite song off of Rush's debut album? (185 votes)
02.18.14 What do you think of Rush's decision to allow Walmart to use Working Man for their new ad campaign? (284 votes)
12.31.13 How would you like to see Rush celebrate their 40th anniversary in 2014? (264 votes)
12.27.13 Which of Rush's live DVDs/Videos is your favorite? (59 votes)
11.22.13 Which of the following aspects of the Clockwork Angels Tour DVD/Blu-ray do you LIKE? (358 votes)
10.11.13 What do you think of the Vapor Trails remix compared to the original? (181 votes)
09.27.13 Which song from Vapor Trails do you think benefited the most from the new remix? (192 votes)
09.20.13 Which song from Vapor Trails are you most looking forward to hearing on the new remix? (175 votes)
08.09.13 Which of the various Night A and Night B 2013 Clockwork Angels tour setlists did you like the best? (201 votes)
04.26.13 What do you think was the highlight of Rush's Rock Hall induction ceremony? (320 votes)
04.11.13 What do you think of the Rock Hall's decision to exclude founding Rush drummer John Rutsey from induction? (363 votes)
01.23.13 What do you think about the Foo Fighters inducting Rush into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? (371 votes)
12.28.12 What was the biggest Rush event to occur in 2012? (202 votes)
12.07.12 Which of these non-Clockwork Angels songs should Rush drop from their 2012 setlist for the 2013 tour? (973 votes)
10.04.12 Now that they've finally been nominated, what are Rush's chances of being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013? (450 votes)
09.14.12 *** SPOILER ***
Of the non-Clockwork Angels songs, what do you think is the highlight of the Clockwork Angels tour setlist?
(415 votes)
08.31.12 Which song (not yet played) from Clockwork Angels are you most looking forward to seeing/hearing live? (367 votes)
07.13.12 Clockwork Angels is Rush's best album since ... (312 votes)
06.15.12 What's your favorite song on Clockwork Angels so far? (461 votes)
05.24.12 How have you or how will you get your tickets for the US/Canada leg of the Rush Clockwork Angels Tour? (222 votes)
04.20.12 What do you think of full version of the Headlong Flight single? (596 votes)
04.11.12 What do you think of the 30-second Headlong Flight preview clip? (513 votes)
02.10.12 What do you think about author Kevin J. Anderson writing a novelization of Rush's upcoming Clockwork Angels album? (327 votes)
12.16.11 Which of Rush's live DVDs/Videos is your favorite? (439 votes)
10.14.11 Which of the 3 Rush albums to be released in 5.1 are you most excited about hearing? (227 votes)
09.23.11 How will you be watching Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland? (361 votes)
07.01.11 Which Rush tour of the past 10 years was your favorite? (425 votes)
03.25.11 What Rush album should be the next to get the 5.1 surround sound treatment? (497 votes)
02.04.11 What do you think about Rush not making any changes to their 2011 setlist? (457 votes)
01.28.11 Which of Neil Peart's 4 full-length books is your favorite? (135 votes)
12.31.10 Which of the following awards received by Rush in 2010 do you think was the most significant? (247 votes)
12.17.10 Which show(s) will you be attending on the Eastern US/Canada portion of Rush's 2011 Time Machine Tour? (324 votes)
11.26.10 Which of these non-Moving Pictures songs should Rush drop from their 2011 setlist? (1151 votes)
10.29.10 What is your favorite song off of Power Windows? (511 votes)
10.22.10 Other than the Moving Pictures songs, what was the highlight of the Time Machine Tour setlist? (565 votes)
09.24.10 What is your favorite song off of Caress of Steel? (631 votes)
08.13.10 Which album other than Moving Pictures would you like to see Rush play in its entirety? (776 votes)
07.02.10 What do you think of the Time Machine Tour setlist? (525 votes)
06.04.10 Which of the 2 new Rush songs is your favorite so far? (576 votes)
05.21.10 How have you or how will you get your tickets for the Rush 2010 Time Machine Tour? (118 votes)
04.11.10 How many shows do you plan to attend on the Rush Time Machine tour? (504 votes)
03.26.10 Which of these 5 songs chosen for the Canadian Songwriters HOF is your favorite? (340 votes)
02.15.10 What is your favorite song off of Fly By Night? (654 votes)
01.15.10 What do you think about Rush's new material possibly not being released first as an album? (406 votes)
01.08.10 What are you most looking forward to from Rush in 2010? (267 votes)
12.11.09 Who do you think should produce Rush's next album? (363 votes)
11.20.09 What is your favorite song off of Presto? (413 votes)
11.13.09 Which of these is the coolest? (89 votes)
10.02.09 Which of the 8 missing tracks are you most excited to see on the R30 re-release? (334 votes)
09.04.09 Which of these September-released Rush albums is your favorite? (280 votes)
08.21.09 Which of these events will happen first for Rush in 2010 (if at all)? (215 votes)
07.31.09 What do you think about Neil Peart's collaboration with Vertical Horizon? (85 votes)
07.10.09 What's your favorite song from Feedback? (202 votes)
06.19.09 How many RushCons have you attended? (90 votes)
05.15.09 What instrument(s) do you play? (688 votes)
04.17.09 What is your favorite song off of Grace Under Pressure? (441 votes)
04.03.09 Which of these early unreleased Rush tracks is your favorite? (187 votes)
03.20.09 What do you think about Rush's involvement with the I Love You Man movie? (252 votes)
02.27.09 Which of the 11 un-remastered songs on Vapor Trails could most benefit from a remaster? (258 votes)
02.06.09 Which of these 3 Alex Lifeson solos is your favorite? (401 votes)
01.23.09 Other than Rush, which one of these bands most deserves to be in the Rock Hall? (274 votes)
01.02.09 Which of these are you most looking forward to in 2009? (277 votes)
12.05.08 Which of Rush's live DVDs/Videos is your favorite? (295 votes)
11.14.08 In which of the cities listed do you prefer RushCon 9 be held? (206 votes)
10.24.08 Hemispheres is 30 years old! Was your first copy on vinyl, 8-track, cassette or CD? (565 votes)
10.17.08 What's your favorite song off of Counterparts? (544 votes)
10.10.08 Which of the Retrospective 3 tracks is your favorite? (320 votes)
10.03.08 What could VH1 Classic's Rush Hashanah special used more of? (228 votes)
09.20.08 Which feature of the Snakes & Arrows DVD are you anticipating the most? (240 votes)
09.12.08 What are Rush's chances of being inducted into the Rock Hall in 2009? (226 votes)
08.29.08 All three members of Rush are now 55! Who's aged better? Geddy, Alex or Neil? (357 votes)
08.15.08 What is your favorite Atlantic-era Rush studio album? (499 votes)
07.25.08 Which setlist did you prefer? The 2007 leg or the 2008 leg? (391 votes)
07.18.08 What was your favorite question from Rush's Colbert Show interview? (406 votes)
07.10.08 What do you think about Rush's involvement with the Rock Band video game? (210 votes)
06.27.08 What do you think about Rush getting a feature story in Rolling Stone? (283 votes)
06.20.08 What do you think about Rush getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? (291 votes)
06.06.08 How many times have you seen Rush live? (483 votes)
05.30.08 Other than Rush, which of these concerts will you be attending this summer? (601 votes)
05.16.08 In honor of John Rutsey - what is your favorite song off of Rush's debut album? (443 votes)
05.02.08 Snakes & Arrows is 1-year old! What's your favorite song off it? (624 votes)
04.18.08 SPOILER: Which of these new additions to the 2008 setlist are you most pleased about? (466 votes)
03.28.08 Which of these non-S&A songs should Rush drop from their 2007 setlist? (514 votes)
03.21.08 Which of these never-played-live post-2000 songs would you most like to hear on the 2008 tour? (291 votes)
03.14.08 Which of these never-played-live 90s-era songs would you most like to hear on the 2008 tour? (347 votes)
03.07.08 Which of these never-played-live 80s-era songs would you most like to hear on the 2008 tour? (347 votes)
02.29.08 Which of these never-played-live 70s-era songs would you most like to hear on the 2008 tour? (318 votes)
02.22.08 Which of Rush's epic songs would you most like to hear on the 2008 tour? (378 votes)
02.08.08 How have you or how will you get your tickets for the 2008 leg? (339 votes)
01.20.08 How many shows do you plan to attend on the 2008 Snakes & Arrows tour? (332 votes)
01.04.08 Which of Rush's live albums is your favorite? (369 votes)
12.22.07 Which S&A song played on the 1st leg would you most like to see dropped on the 2nd leg? (281 votes)
12.14.07 Which of the 4 S&A songs not played on the 1st leg would you most like to hear on the 2nd leg? (404 votes)
12.06.07 Who do you think will win the grammy for Best Rock Instrumental Performance? (254 votes)
11.30.07 Will Rush be nominated for a Grammy this year? (152 votes)
11.23.07 What's your favorite Rush instrumental? (315 votes)
11.16.07 Where would you place Neil Peart on the list of greatest all-time rock drummers? (253 votes)
11.02.07 Which of the following are you most looking forward to? (324 votes)
10.19.07 Which of Rush's live DVDs/Videos is your favorite? (334 votes)
10.12.07 Which album should be the next MoFi Ultradisc? (151 votes)
09.28.07 Which of these September-released Rush albums is your favorite? (360 votes)
09.14.07 What is your favorite song off of Signals? (448 votes)
09.07.07 What is your favorite song off of Hold Your Fire? (462 votes)
08.31.07 What is your favorite song off of A Farewell to Kings? (322 votes)
08.24.07 Where would you place Alex Lifeson on the list of the greatest all-time rock guitarists? (246 votes)
08.03.07 Which is your favorite song off of Rush's debut album? (413 votes)
07.27.07 Geddy's 54th birthday is July 29th. What should we get him? (373 votes)
07.20.07 How many Rush concert shirts do you currently own? (171 votes)
07.13.07 What show(s) have you attended so far on the Snakes & Arrows tour? (300 votes)
07.06.07 ** SPOILER **
Which of these songs should have been included in the setlist?
(724 votes)
06.29.07 What makes the Snakes & Arrows MVI worth buying? (203 votes)
06.22.07 *** SPOILER ***
Of the non-S&A songs, what is the highlight of the setlist?
(325 votes)
06.15.07 What do you think of the Snakes & Arrows setlist? (228 votes)
06.08.07 Which song from Snakes & Arrows are you most looking forward to seeing/hearing live? (273 votes)
06.01.07 Rush chose The Larger Bowl and Spindrift as the next S&A singles. What would you have picked? (222 votes)
05.25.07 How many Rush shows will you be attending on the Snakes & Arrows tour? (216 votes)
05.18.07 How would you rate Snakes & Arrows? (300 votes)
05.11.07 Snakes & Arrows is Rush's best album since ... (285 votes)
05.04.07 What's your favorite song on Snakes & Arrows so far? (405 votes)
04.30.07 How will you be getting or how did you get your copy of Snakes & Arrows? (check all that apply) (354 votes)