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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson
Mon, Mar 31, 2025
Album Discography and Lyrics
Snakes & Arrows
Released May, 2007
AtlanticAlbum Credits
Neil Peart - drums, cymbals, electronic
percussion, tambourine
Geddy Lee - bass guitar, bass pedals,
mellotron, vocals
Alex Lifeson - six and twelve-string electric and acoustic guitars, mandola, mandolin, bouzoukiAll songs composed by Lee and Lifeson,
with lyrics by Peart,
except "Hope", composed and performed by
Lerxst Lifeson, all by his own selfProduced by Nick Raskulinecz and Rush
Atlantic, May 1, 2007
Brought to you by the letter "sssss"
Track List
[Show All Lyrics]1) Far Cry (5:21)
2) Armor and Sword (6:36)
3) Workin' Them Angels (4:47)
4) The Larger Bowl (4:07)
5) Spindrift (5:24)
6) The Main Monkey Business (instrumental 6:01)
7) The Way The Wind Blows (6:28)
8) Hope (instrumental 2:02)
9) Faithless (5:31)
10) Bravest Face (5:12)
11) Good News First (4:51)
12) Malignant Narcissism (instrumental 2:17)
Usually a case of malignant narcissism brought on during childhood.
13) We Hold On (4:13)