Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Mon, Mar 31, 2025

Album Discography and Lyrics


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  • Signals

    Released September, 1982

    US Billboard Peak: 10

    US Sales: Platinum

    Album Credits

    Geddy Lee - Bass/Syntheizers/Vocals
    Alex Lifeson - Accoustic and
    Electric Guitars/Tarus Pedals
    Neil Peart - Drums/Percussion

    Additional Musicians:
    Ben Mink - Electric Violin (Track 7)

    Lyrics by Peart, Music by Lee/Lifeson, except
    track 3: Lyrics by Lee/Lifeson/Peart

    Produced by Rush and Terry Brown
    Engineered by Paul Northfield
    Assisted by Robbie Whelan

    Mercury/Polygram, September 9, 1982

  • Track List

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    1) Subdivisions (5:33)

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    2) The Analog Kid (4:46)

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    3) Chemistry (4:56)

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    4) Digital Man (6:20)

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    5) The Weapon (Part II of Fear) (6:22)

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    6) New World Man (3:41)

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    7) Losing It (4:51)

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    8) Countdown (5:49)

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