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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Mon, Mar 31, 2025

Album Discography and Lyrics

Power Windows

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  • Power Windows

    Released October, 1985

    US Billboard Peak: 10

    US Sales: Platinum

    Album Credits

    Geddy Lee - Bass Guitars/
    Synthesizers/Bass Pedals/Vocals
    Alex Lifeson - Accoustic
    And Electric Guitars
    Neil Peart - Drums/Accoustic
    And Electronic Percussion

    Additional Musicians
    Jim Burgess - Synthesizer Prorgamming
    Andy Richards - Keyboards/
    Synthesizer Programming

    Produced by Peter Collins and Rush
    Engineered by Jimbo Barton

  • Track List

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    1) The Big Money (5:36)

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    2) Grand Designs (5:05)

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    3) Manhattan Project (5:05)

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    4) Marathon (6:09)

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    5) Territories (6:19)

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    6) Middletown Dreams (5:15)

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    7) Emotion Detector (5:10)

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    8) Mystic Rhythms (5:54)

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