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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Mon, Mar 31, 2025

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Clockwork Angels Tour

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  • Clockwork Angels Tour

    Released November, 2013

    US Billboard Peak: 33

    Album Credits




    Executive Producers
    Pegi Cecconi, Ray Danniels, John Virant

    Audio Producer
    Mixed by Mike Fraser - The Warehouse, Vancouver, BC
    Digital Editing - Richard Chycki, Mixland

    Audio Consultant
    Brad Madix

    Adam Ayan/Gateway Mastering

    Location Audio
    Remote Audio Recording provided by Music Mix Mobile
    Recording Engineers - Richard Chycki, Joel Singer
    Audio Engineer Operator - Chris Montefiore
    Audio Assistants - Jimmy Goldsmith, Jason Macalik, Chris Newsom
    Pro Tools Operator - Brian Flanzbaum

    Sound Design
    Mike Rowland/Saucer Studios, Toronto

    American Airlines Center/Dallas
    US Airways Center/Phoenix
    AT&T Center/San Antonio

    Clockwork Angels String Ensemble
    David Campbell - Conductor
    Mario De Leon - Violin
    Joel Derouin - Violin
    Jonathan Dinklage - Violin
    Gerry Hilera - Violin
    Audrey Solomon - Violin
    Adele Stein - Cello
    Jacob Szekely - Cello
    Hiroko Taguchi - Violin
    Entcho Todorov - Violin

    Liam Birt - Tour Manager & Accountant
    Donovan Lundstrom - Road Manager
    Craig Blazier - Production Manager
    Karin Blazier - Production Assistant
    Brad Madix - Concert Sound Engineer
    Howard Ungerleider - Lighting Director
    Tony Geranios - Keyboard Technician
    Lome Wheaton - Drum Technician
    John Mcintosh - Bass Technician
    Scott Appleton - Guitar Technician
    George Steinert - Stage Manager
    Bruce French - Nutritionist
    Anthony Fedewa - Venue Security
    Michael Mosbach - NP Road Manager, Security
    Kevin Ripa - Artist Tour Liaison
    Cliff Sharpling - Carpenter
    Brent Carpenter - Monitor Mixer
    Corey Harris - Monitor Systems Engineer
    Anson Moore - Audio System Engineer
    Martin Joos - Lighting Crew Chief
    Curtis Anthony - Electrician
    Matthew Tucker - Lighting Technician
    Joshua Rahalski - Lighting Technician
    Matt Leroux - Lighting Technician
    Albert Pozzetti - Head Rigger
    Charles Anderson - Rigger
    Sebastien Richard - Motion Control
    David Davidian - Video Director
    Bob Larkin - Video Engineer
    Gregory 'Grit' Frederick - LED Engineer
    Brian Littleton - Camera Operator
    Jay Cooper - Camera Operator
    John Arrowsmith - Pyrotechnician & Tour Photographer
    Patrick McLoughlin, Showtech - Merchandiser
    Keith Keller -live Nation Global Tour Rep
    Colin Womack - VIP Nation Rep

    Bus Drivers
    Dave Burnette, Lashawn Lundstrom, Marty Beeler, Joe C. Bush, John Morgan, Tony Hammonds

    Truck Drivers
    Arthur "Mac" McLear, Jon Cordes, Tom Hartmann, Henry McBride, Juli Mennitti, Steve Mennitti, Bob Wright, Bruno Pelle

    Merchandise Driver
    Don Johnson

    Flight Crew
    Bill Bryant, Dan Droppo, Murray Clapp, Anastassia Tchernykh

    Concert lighting
    Premiere Global Productions - Steven 'Creech' Anderson

    Concert Sound
    Clair Global - Jason Heitman, Ralph Mastrangelo

    Pyrotek - Lorenzo Cornacchia

    Video Screens & Equipment
    Screenworks NEP - Danny O'Bryen, Amy Segawa

    Five Points Rigging - John Fletcher

    Hemphill Brothers Coach Co. - Mark Larson

    Ego Trips - Jim Bodenheimer

    Aircraft Charter
    Image Air Charter - Mike Irish, Liz Horbasz

    Customs Brokers
    B. lee Brokerage Ltd. - Barry leagman, Neil leagman

    Live Nation Global Touring - Arthur Fogel, Gerry Barad, Susan Rosenberg, Carla Jespersen

    International - The Agency Group - Neil WarnOCk, Samantha Henfrey
    USA-Artist Group International -Adam Kornfeld, June Chaiyasit
    Canada - Feldman & Associates - Vinny Cinquemani, Olivia Oates

    Rush/Anthem Entertainment Consigliere
    Bob Farmer Esquire

    Thanks to our Technical Suppliers

    For Alex:
    Lerxst Omega Amps, Gibson Guitars, Dean Markley Strings, Audio Technica

    For Geddy:
    Fender and The Fender Custom Shop, Rotosound Strings, Orange Amplifiers, Tech 21/Sansamp, James Hogg - Custom Pickguards, Tom Brantley - Custom Pickups and Rewinds, Rivera Amplification, Jim Burgess and Saved By Technology, Garth Hjelte, Chicken Systems, Inc., Ableton Live, Moog

    For Neil:
    DW Drums, Sabian Cymbals, Promark Drumsticks, Remo Drumheads, Roland V-Drum

    Art Direction, Design and Illustrations
    Hugh Syme

    Live Cover Photograph
    Craig M. Renwick

    Live Photography
    John Arrowsmith, Patricia Seaton Homonylo, Craig M. Renwick, Richard Sibbald, Neil Ziozower

    Photo Editor
    Meg Symsyk

    SRO Management lnc/Anthem Entertainment:
    Ray Danniels, Pegi Cecconi, Meg Symsyk, Andy Curran, Sheila Posner, Bob Farmer, Cynthia Barry, Tyler Tasson, Emma Sunstrum, Jeremy Biderman, Veronica Sinnaeve, Randy & Frances Rolfe

    All Songs Lee/Lifescn/Peart except:
    "Tom Sawyer" (Lee/Lifeson/Peart/Dubois)
    "Drumbastica", "Here It Is" and "The Percussur (I) Binary Love Theme / (II) Steambangers Ball" (Peart)
    "Peke's Repose" (Lifeson)
    "YYZ" (Lee/Peart)
    All songs published by Core Music Publishing (SOCAN world excluding USA/SESAC USA). All Rights Reserved