In Neil Peart's most recent news update at, he appealed to fans to donate a small amount to the Chilean Red Cross before reading his November post - The Power of Magical Thinking. The fans came through big time and the team at just posted the following update along with a great picture of Brutus presenting the check:
When we first posted this story, we asked readers to make a donation—even one dollar—to the Red Cross of Chile. The motive came from the story itself—because Brutus and Our Eponymous Founder were traveling in South America (between Brazil and Argentina) when the 33 miners were miraculously rescued, and they were powerfully moved by witnessing the event on live television. A few days later, the band performed in Santiago, Chile, dedicated the song “Stick It Out” to the miners, and showed a photograph of “Los 33” on the rear screen.
The Chilean Red Cross— Cruz Roja Chilena—had organized the above-ground facilities for the rescue, though their resources were already strained by the terrible earthquake in February of 2010. The staff here at—Our Eponymous Founder, designer Greg Russell, and the manager over at Bubba’s Bar ’n’ Grill, Brutus—decided we wanted to help.
So we thought we’d try something new: ask the readers to help us help. And people stepped up—Big Time!
Over 2,000 people made donations, many of them more than the “suggested minimum,” and within a little over a month, almost $5,000 had been raised.Our Eponymous Founder volunteered to match that amount—and we are all very proud to present this check to Cruz Roja Chilena.
We would also like to give kudos to Andres Gutierrez and the rest of the staff at The Red Cross in Calgary for arranging to get the funds directly to Cruz Roja Chilena. They can surely use all our help.
Well done everybody!
Thanks to gornhay for the heads up.
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