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Rush Time Machine Tour: Chicago open thread

Mon, Aug 23, 2010@12:33PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 8/24@12:21PM: Official photos have been posted over at in the Multimedia: Rush on the Road section. Here's a short writeup from the Chicago Sun Times regarding last night's show (thanks doug.baker).

UPDATE - 8/24@7:08AM: As an apology for the canceled/rescheduled show, Rush had free baseball caps passed out to all concertgoers on their way out last night. The cap is light gray with a blue Rush 1974-2112 baseball logo on the front, an embroidered number 3 on the side and the words The Rain Date - Rush - Chicago 2010 stitched on the back. Yet another classy move from Rush. Thanks to malterb for the heads up and Wayne R for the images.

UPDATE - 8/23@3:19PM: I've been getting several emails regarding why Neil Peart has been wearing headphones rather than inner ear monitors for the past few shows (since the 2nd Red Rocks show). Apparently there have been recurrent technical issues with the inner ear monitors that have been causing him some discomfort and so he's been choosing to wear the headphones. From Lorne Wheaton's MySpace page:

Feeling for the boss, who is dealing with an inner ear issue. Back on the cans for a while. Mood: anxious
3 days ago

UPDATE - 8/23@1:48PM: This shouldn't affecting anything with regards to tonight's show, but apparently one of the road crew's buses broke down upon arriving at the venue today. A replacement bus has already arrived. I think this show is cursed! :) Thanks to Wayne R for the heads up and the photo.

Rush heads back to the Windy City tonight to play the makeup show for their July 7th Chicago date that had been canceled due to weather. Thankfully this evening's forecast calls for clear skies. For everyone going to tonight's show have fun, be safe, and make sure to share your photos/videos/reports... And don't forget to keep voting for Rush in the NASA Space Rock contest (you can vote multiple times)!

Date/Time: Monday, August 23rd @ 7:30PM
Show Number: 24
Venue: Charter One Pavilion
Place: Chicago, IL

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