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SPOILER ALERT: Time Machine Tour rehearsal setlist

Mon, Jun 28, 2010@3:01PM | comments

Rush Time Machine TourUPDATE - 7/2@2:02PM: For the sake of completeness, I've included the final setlist as I have listed in the tour section below the fold.

UPDATE - 6/29@8:55PM: John Arrowsmith has uploaded a bunch of spoilerific pics from rehearsals in Albuquerque to the (*SPOILERS*) Multimedia: Rush on the Road section. Included are several closeup photos of the guys on stage rehearsing, and their equipment/gear can be seen in detail.

UPDATE - 6/29@1:37PM: Reader hermy let me know that Neil Peart drum tech Lorne Wheaton posted a photo of himself with Neil's new kit to his MySpace page. You can check it out below the fold.

UPDATE - 6/29@11:48AM: A very detailed photo of Neil Peart with his new Time Machine Tour kit (presumably from the tour book) is floating around the various messageboards too. You can check it out at (*SPOILERS*) this link or below the fold (thanks Bigleaf).

UPDATE - 6/29@11:29AM: Peartdrumsticks at Counterparts very astutely noticed that the Rush Backstage Club has the Time Machine Tour tourbook listed for sale along with a couple of shots of the inside of the book. In the pictures you can make out Geddy, Alex and Neil's stage setup - although the photo is very low-res. However, Peartdrumsticks blew up the photos and compared them with some of John Arrowsmith's teaser photos. You can check out the blown-up images at (*SPOILERS*) this link (*SPOILERS*).

UPDATE - 6/29@9:38AM: I've added a photo of the rehearsal stage setup that's been floating around the message boards. You can check it out below the fold.

UPDATE - 6/28@5:47PM: I made a brief update to the setlist below. Nothing changed - just more info regarding one of the songs.

Rush held a full production rehearsal for the Time Machine Tour at the Hard Rock Pavilion in Albuquerque, NM last night and I've received a few setlist reports from fans who were within earshot. So without further adieu, you can view the rehearsal setlist below the fold (MAJOR SPOILERS!! ... obviously). In other tour news, readers Louis2112 and DallasRUSHian note that the back of the new Time Machine Tour Moving Pictures t-shirt at the Rush Backstage Club reads Time Machine Tour 2010: USA/Canada/S.A.. This seems to be indirect confirmation that Rush will indeed include a South American leg of the tour as I'd reported earlier this month. has revamped the Multimedia: Rush on the Road section of the website. Rush tour photographer John Arrowsmith will be regularly posting tour photos to this section of the site beginning with tomorrow's show. And Neil Peart drum tech Lorne Wheaton reported in his latest MySpace status update that he'll be launching his new website at tomorrow.

Related Posts:
[Neil Peart Time Machine Tour drum kit cymbals sneak peek]
[Rush confirmed to play Santiago, Chile on October 17th?]
[Rush South American Time Machine Tour leg in mid October?]
[Official Rush 2010 Time Machine tour dates!]





UPDATE - 7/2@2:02PM: Here's the final setlist as I have listed in the tour section:

Set 1:

Video Intro (Rash: The Real History of Rush Act 1)
The Spirit of Radio
Time Stand Still
Stick It Out
Workin' Them Angels
Leave That Thing Alone


Set 2:

Video Intro (Rash: The Real History of Rush Act 2)
Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta
The Camera Eye
Witch Hunt
Vital Signs
Drum Solo (Love 4 Sale)
Closer to the Heart (with Alex acoustic intro)
2112 Overture/Temples of Syrinx
Far Cry


La Villa Strangiato
Working Man
Video Outro (I Still Love You Man)

UPDATE - 6/29@1:37PM:Reader hermy let me know that Neil Peart drum tech Lorne Wheaton posted a photo of himself with Neil's new kit to his MySpace page. You can check it out by clicking on the thumbnail.

UPDATE - 6/29@11:48AM:A very detailed photo of Neil Peart with his new Time Machine Tour kit (presumably from the tour book) is floating around the various messageboards too. You can check it out at this link or below the fold or by clicking on the thumbnail.

UPDATE - 6/29@9:38AM:Here's a photo of the stage setup from rehearsals on Sunday night. On Geddy's side of stage is an old-fashioned H. G. Wells-inspired Time Machine looking thing. Alex's amps are all decked out to look vintage and fit with the Time Machine theme. Neil's kit has a rosewood or dark brown finish with gold/brass hardware and the drum head has the Time Machine graphics.

UPDATE - 6/28@5:47PM: Mermaid of the Lunar Sea says that the Alex Solo is something completely new. Cool!

Below is the Time Machine Tour setlist from rehearsals at the Hard Rock Pavilion in Albuquerque, NM on Sunday, June 27th, 2010. What stood out for me is the disappointing fact that it doesn't look like Jacob's Ladder is in the setlist as previously reported by Alex Lifeson in an interview back in April. It looks like they'll open with The Spirit of Radio which was their opener from the Signals tour on through the Power Windows tour. They'll be bringing back Time Stand Still which they haven't done since the Counterparts tour and will play Presto and Faithless live for the first time. It's also nice to see Closer to the Heart, Marathon, Leave That Thing Alone and Stick It Out back in the setlist. They'll be pulling out Working Man and La Villa Strangiato for the encore which should please many of the old-timers. Then of course there's the entire Moving Pictures album which they'll play straight through to open the second set.

Set 1

1. The Spirit of Radio
2. Time Stand Still (last played on Counterparts tour)
3. Presto (never played live)
4. Stick It Out (last played on Test For Echo tour)
5. Leave That Thing Alone (last played on Vapor Trails tour)
6. Workin' Them Angels
7. Faithless (never played live)
8. BU2B (new song - never played live)
9. Freewill
10. Marathon (last played on Presto tour)
11. Subdivisions


Set 2

12. Tom Sawyer
13. Red Barchetta
14. YYZ
15. Limelight
16. The Camera Eye (last played on Signals tour)
17. Witch Hunt
18. Vital Signs (last played on Vapor Trails tour)
19. Caravan (new song - never played live)
20. Drum Solo
21. Alex Solo (something new)
22. Closer to the Heart (last played on Vapor Trails tour)
23. 2112 Overture/Temples of Syrinx
24. Far Cry


25. La villa Strangiato (last played on R30 tour)
26. Working Man (last played on R30 tour)
