UPDATE - 6/25@2:08PM: Unfortunately it looks like VH1 Classic has now removed the Rush Classic Albums special from its schedule. It also no longer appears on the listings for all the major cable/satellite providers. My guess is that someone at VH1 Classic screwed up. :(
UPDATE - 6/22@1:42PM: Direct TV also confirms the broadcast (thanks questrider).
According to the Dish Network's program guide, the Rush 2112/Moving Pictures Classic Albums special will air on VH1 Classic next Saturday at 8PM before the television premiere of the Rush documentary Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage. VH1 Classic's program guide lists the Classic Albums special but doesn't include the details. These Classic Albums documentary specials are created by Eagle Vision. We learned last month that the special will also be released to DVD/Blu-ray this Fall on September 28th. Thanks to Billy B for the heads up.