Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Mon, Mar 10, 2025

Alex Lifeson talks Rush 50, Envy of None and more in new Ultimate Classic Rock interview

Mon, Mar 10, 2025@11:08AM | comments

Alex Lifeson was recently interviewed for an upcoming episode of Ultimate Classic Rock's UCR Podcast. UCR has posted a few teaser quotes from the discussion where Alex talks about Rush's 50th anniversary, his Envy of None side project and more. Here's Alex on the one important rule that Rush always followed during their recording process, which helped inform Alex when he recently re-released his Victor solo album:

... We had to be able to replicate whatever we're doing a studio live ... We followed that forever -- and even in the latter days, it just meant triggering more things that we'd recorded in the studio.[Eventually], we got up into high track count. Remember, Neil [Peart's] drums took up about 30 tracks on recording. So we managed to layer a lot of stuff, too much stuff, I think, at times ... That can be the danger. You know, you have so many ideas. You want to get everything down, I think. On Snakes and Arrows, boy, we layered so much stuff on [that album]. I heard so many guitar things and I wanted to get everything on there. And then Ged [Geddy Lee] would layer all his vocals and the harmonies. ... I realized that I had layers and layers of guitars just to make [the Victor album] dense and heavy. ... It was so muddled [that] when I got the mix up to remix, I pulled so much of that out and just kept one guitar track, or maybe a double. Here and there, I'd bring something in and suddenly there was clarity and there was air around everything. It still was tough and powerful. So [it was] a lesson learned. ...

Alex also touches on the band's upcoming Rush 50 compilation box set, and his Envy of None project's new album Stygian Wavz, both of which will be released later this month. You can read the entire article here, and stay tuned to the UCR Podcast for the full interview when available.
