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Wed, Feb 5, 2025

Neil Peart and Ginger Baker honored with special tribute during Rock Hall induction ceremony In Memoriam segment

Sun, Nov 8, 2020@11:34AM | comments

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 2020 Induction Ceremony took place yesterday evening and aired on HBO and HBO Max. Due to COVID-19, this year's ceremony had to forego the traditional live format, and instead consisted of pre-recorded segments in a documentary-style format. The ceremony also included the traditional In Memoriam segment, where the Rock Hall paid tribute to the many artists that we've lost in the past year. The segment kicked off with an extensive tribute to Eddie Van Halen, before diving into the tributes for all the individual artists. In most cases they just displayed a photo of the deceased artist for a few seconds, but when they came to Neil Peart, they showed some live video of Peart on his kit. After a few seconds of that, they broke in with some video of the late Ginger Baker drumming (Baker died in October, 2019 just a few months before Peart), and then went back and forth between the pair for about 30 seconds, creating a sort of virtual drum battle. They then ended with a side-by-side photo of the two legendary drummers. It was a fitting pairing, as Peart often cited Baker as one of his biggest drum influences. The ceremony is currently available to watch on HBO and HBO Max for subscribers, with the Peart/Baker portion coming in at around the 1:20:30 mark.
