Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Feb 5, 2025

Geddy Lee comments on photo of him as a teen that recently resurfaced on social media

Tue, Jun 23, 2020@8:56AM | comments

If you are active on social media, then at some point in the past year or so you have probably seen this photo of a teenage Geddy Lee playing bass at a birthday party. It shows a young Geddy with short hair and a white t-shirt playing bass and singing into a microphone, with a sign reading Congratulations Anthony! 13* in the background. Geddy Lee himself recently came across the photo and posted some comments about it to his Instagram (thanks RushFanForever):

Once in a while, a photo I havent seen in ages, or ever...pops up on social media, like a ghost from my past. I find myself slack-jawed, mouth gaping at some of them in wonder..."Is that me?.. where on earth, did this come from?" Well, this is one such photo. I was 14 or 15, playing in a garage band, at what is obviously one of my very first gigs ever... I do recall that we played some songs by Sam and Dave, and The Grassroots! ...and if you look closely, you can barely see a sliver of a white Hagstrom bass in my hands! One of my very first instruments... When putting my bass book together I searched high and low, to no avail, for a photo of this bass ... so I'm super pleased to share this moment of my long forgotten past.

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Once in a while, a photo I havent seen in ages, or ever...pops up on social media, like a ghost from my past. I find myself slack-jawed, mouth gaping at some of them in wonder..."Is that me?.. where on earth, did this come from?" Well, this is one such photo. I was 14 or 15, playing in a garage band, at what is obviously one of my very first gigs ever... I do recall that we played some songs by Sam and Dave, and The Grassroots! ...and if you look closely, you can barely see a sliver of a white Hagstrom bass in my hands! One of my very first instruments... When putting my bass book together I searched high and low, to no avail, for a photo of this bass ... so I'm super pleased to share this moment of my long forgotten past. #digtheshorthair #garagebandsrule #HagstromHIIB #TheGrassroots #SamandDave #LiveforToday #vintagebasses #didImentionthehaircut #sweetmemories

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