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Instagram cartoonist Beth Evans' new book I Really Didn't Think This Through includes chapter on her Rush fandom titled The Pass

Tue, May 1, 2018@9:57AM | comments

Popular Instagram cartoonist Beth Evans (@BethDrawsThings) has just released a new book titled I Really Didn't Think This Through which is a compendium of her collected wisdom and stories from her social media posts, interwoven with her tremendously popular and loveable illustrations. Beth happens to be a huge Rush fan, and her book includes an entire chapter which explores her fandom titled The Pass. It recounts the familiar experience of how she was an outcast in high school and found solace in Rush's Subdivisions. The chapter includes a drawing of the band, and also tells about her dismay at never getting to see the group live due to her anxiety. Reviewer Zachary Houle (also a Rush fan) mentions the chapter in his review of the book:

... [Beth is] a Rush fan! Now, it's common knowledge that women, as a general rule, don't like Rush (the band has even openly joked about this in their concerts, to which I've been to three). So it's really nice to hear the perspective of a woman on the band, and there's a whole chapter of the book titled "The Pass," the significance of which is never explained as a sort of an insider-y nod to fellow Rush fans, dedicated to her love of the group. She talks about being disappointed that her anxiety kept her from going to any concerts while they were still active, and how she's made peace with that. Beth, you are no less of a fan, so welcome to the club! (Well, if you can welcome someone who has been a fan for some time.) For years, I had to make do with concert videos as I was too young and too far away from major cities to see them play while growing up, and that's an OK stand in. If my heart wasn't leading me elsewhere to another fetching young lass in relation to pursing the opposite sex, just being a female Rush fan has me (jokingly) wishing the author would marry me simply because female Rush fans are so few and far between. ...

There's also a hilarious story earlier in the book where she tells the story of going on a date with a punk rocker, and, in an effort to get rid of him while driving him home, puts on Rush's Moving Pictures to drive him nuts. The book is now available to order via Amazon at this location.
