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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Fri, Mar 21, 2025

Rush - Live On Air 1975-1980: Legendary Radio Broadcast 4-CD compilation coming February 10th

Wed, Jan 18, 2017@2:26PM | comments

A compilation of four live recordings of Rush made for radio broadcasts between 1975 and 1980 titled Rush: Live On Air 1975-1980: Legendary Radio Broadcast was recently released in Europe and will be available as an import in North America next month (thanks John at Several of these radio broadcast "bootlegs" have been released in Europe over the past few years due to the less stringent copyright laws that exist there as opposed to North America, including Beneath, Between And Behind: F.M. Broadcast 1975, Lady Gone Electric, Spirit of the Airwaves and Rush ABC 1974. Judging by the tracklist of each CD as seen here, discs 1 and 4 are just repackaged from the above-mentioned Spirit of the Airwaves and Beneath, Between And Behind: F.M. Broadcast 1975 respectively. Rush: Live On Air 1975-1980: Legendary Radio Broadcast is slated to release on February 10th and you can pre-order your copy here. Here's the complete tracklisting:

Disc 1: 2112 Overture, The Temples Of Syrinx, Discovery, Presentation, Soliloquy, Grand Finale, Bytor And The Snow Dog, Xanadu, The Spirit Of Radio, Natural Science, Beneath, Between, Behind, Working Man, Finding My Way, Anthem, Bastille Day, In The Mood, Drum Solo, La Villa Strangiato

Disc 2: Opening, Anthem, A Passage To Bangkok, By-Tor & The Snow Dog, Xanadu, Something For Nothing, The Trees, Cygnus X-1, Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres, Closer To The Heart

Disc 3: Circumstances, A Farewell To Kings, La Villa Strangiato, 2112, Working Man, Bastille Day, In The Mood, Drum Solo

Disc 4: Finding My Way, The Best I Can, What You're Doing, Anthem, Beneath, Between & Behind, In The End, Fly By Night, Working Man, In The Mood, Need Some Love, Bad Boy
