Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Dec 26, 2024

New book Neil Peart: Cultural Repercussions now available as part of Humble Music Book Bundle

Thu, Jul 30, 2015@11:50AM | comments

UPDATE - 7/30@2:51PM: Author Bradley Birzer informed me that the book will be out September 15th in ebook and paperback.

Back in June we learned about a new book by author Bradley J. Birzer titled Neil Peart: Cultural Repercussions that will release via Wordfire Press next month. The book is a biographical, in-depth examination of the words, ideas and professional life of Neil Peart. You can check out a high-res scan of the book's cover here. From the book's back cover:

... Never satisfied with second best or any form of defeat, Peart challenges himself time and time again to live up to his own philosophy. And he has succeeded through great personal adversity and, at times, irrational professional jealousy of and hatred toward him, and he has always succeeded through grace. This book carefully examines the influence his life, his witness, and his words have had on others. Neil Peart has lived life to the fullest, and he has made us each better for it.

An ebook preview version of the book is one of the many titles included in a new book bundle being offered by Humble Music. Also included in the bundle is Clockwork Angels and Clockwork Lives: The Bookseller's Tale. The way it works is that you pay what you want for the bundle. If you pay a minimum of $15 you'll get all 18+ titles including Cultural Repercussions. To purchase your bundle and get all the details, just visit the Humble Music website.
