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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sun, Feb 23, 2025

Geddy Lee to be featured in upcoming VH1 Rock Icons series

Mon, Nov 17, 2014@5:57PM | comments removed/disabled

In Neil Peart's latest news update at, Neil wrote about a recent visit he took to the abandoned Le Studio in Morin Heights, Quebec - the studio where Rush recorded several of their most iconic albums. He mentioned in an offhanded way that Banger Films (the guys who brought us Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage) was making some kind of documentary/show about Geddy Lee, but didn't give much in the way of detail:

... Having said that Le Studio was the most important place in my life, it follows that the most important collaboration in my life has been with Geddy. That's all I really wanted to say on camera-though I don't think those actual words occurred to me until later. In any case, the interviewer, Sam, had his eye on "the show" they were making. Naturally enough, he was looking for some incisive remarks from me, maybe some kind of "dirt"-if not blood. Preferably bad blood. He was careful about it, trying to bring me around to that sort of nitty-gritty by apologizing for "being like a three-year-old, asking the same question again and again." But a complex relationship that has endured for over forty years is not going to be defined in a sound bite. It's like asking a spouse of that duration to define the other-tread carefully! ...

Then earlier this week, the folks at the Le Studio YouTube channel posted a video update indicating that they were partially responsible for getting Banger Films access to the Le Studio property (thanks Claudio D):

... with a little help from yours truly! Made public last month in Neil's blog entry "Science Island", it was revealed that Banger Films taped interviews on site at LeStudio for use in a project they are working on. This Channel played a small part in getting Banger Films and Neil their wish...

In the video update they mention that the filming was being conducted for an upcoming VH1 series called Rock Icons. So it sounds like Geddy Lee will be one of the artists featured in this series. That's about all we know at this point though. More as we learn it.

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