Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Mar 13, 2025

Minnesota man accused of posing as Alex Lifeson to get free medical services

Wed, Jan 22, 2014@5:49PM | comments removed/disabled

The St. George Daily Spectrum reported on a story earlier today involving a Minnesota man who was accused of defrauding Dixie Regional Medical Center of services by pretending to be Rush's Alex Lifeson and Pink Floyd's David Gilmour. From the article:

... Phillip Michael Schaeffer, 54, of Monticello, Minn., is charged with two counts of communications fraud stemming from visits to the hospital in 2011, 2012 and 2013 in which he allegedly first pretended to be 60-year-old Canadian Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson and then 67-year-old English Pink Floyd guitarist and singer David Gilmour.

An investigative report filed with the court states a man claiming to be Lifeson incurred $23,328.27 in hospital bills shortly before Christmas in 2011 and left the hospital against medical advice after an overnight stay. ...

The resemblance is uncanny. ;)

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