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Kevin J. Anderson talks Clockwork Angels: The Graphic Novel in new interview

Mon, Jan 6, 2014@8:21AM | comments removed/disabled

Phil Simon recently spoke with Kevin J. Anderson about the upcoming Clockwork Angels graphic novel for an interview which was posted at the Huffington Post this morning. Anderson talks about how he first pitched the idea for a graphic novel version of the book he co-wrote with Neil Peart:

... "The Clockwork Angels world is so vivid and fantastical it seemed obvious to me from the outset that it would translate well to the comics medium," says Anderson. ... At San Diego Comic Con, Anderson showed several comic publishers the Hugh Syme artwork from the novel. He pitched them the idea of expanding the multi-media platform from music to prose to comics. "All of the companies were interested, but said they would have to consider it, have meetings, run numbers," Anderson says. But when he talked with Ross Richie, founder and CEO of Boom! Studios, he received an entirely different response. In an e-mail, Richie wrote, "HOLY CRAP!!! Rush!!!! WHOA!!!! This is so cool!!!!!" Anderson smiles. "That was more in keeping with the enthusiasm we were looking for." ...

The article also includes samples of some concept art from the graphic novel, including this concept drawing of an Albion steamliner. Boom! Studios will be releasing the graphic novel in a series of six beginning this coming March. The first issue along with a complete 6-issue subscription are now available for pre-order at the Boom! Studios website (Issue #1 for $3.99, 6-issue Subscription for $29.99). The series will be scripted by Anderson with artwork by Nick Robles. The article also mentions the paperback release of Clockwork Angels: The Novel. ECW Press just released the cover art for the paperback edition which is currently due for release on May 13th and can be pre-ordered here.

Related Posts:
[Clockwork Angels: The Graphic Novel now available for pre-order]
[Kevin J. Anderson, Neil Peart talk Clockwork Angels: The Graphic Novel in new USA Today article]
[Clockwork Angels: The Graphic Novel from Kevin J. Anderson coming April 2014]

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