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Wed, Jan 15, 2025

New Kickstarter project: a non-fiction book by Rush fans for Rush fans

Fri, Apr 26, 2013@10:43AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 5/2@1:30PM: Looks like this project is having some trouble getting off the ground. Good idea but perhaps it needs a different approach.

Author, Rush fan and RIAB reader Phil Simon has kicked off a new Kickstarter project which aims to publish a non-fiction book by Rush fans for Rush fans. The idea came upon him at a Casey's Irish Pub pre-party for the Rock Hall Induction last week in Los Angeles as Phil explains here:

... I got the idea to let everyone introduce themselves on stage. Pretty basic stuff: name, location, and favorite Rush moment. ... This got my big brain thinking. What about a book by Rush fans for Rush fans? ... My goal here is to create a professional book with amazing stories from people with the same Rush moderation issues as yours truly. ...

The project is tentatively titled Modern-Day Warriors: Inspirational Stories of Rush Fans and aims to raise $20,000 over the next month to kick it off. This sounds like a great idea and if anybody can pull it off, Phil can - especially with help from a legion of Rush fans. Besides being a huge Rush fan, Phil Simon is a sought-after speaker, author of five books, and a recognized technology expert - so he does know a good bit about book publishing. For all the details and to contribute to the project, visit the project's Kickstarter page. Here's a video of Phil explaining the project:

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