Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Mar 13, 2025

Canadian cosmonaut Chris Hadfield talks Rush from aboard the ISS

Wed, Jan 30, 2013@4:08PM | comments removed/disabled

Canadian cosmonaut Chris Hadfield was featured for a CBC Music piece earlier today where he talks about music, his musical influences and Rush in a video from aboard the International Space Station. From the article accompanying the video:

It's no secret that Canadian prog rockers Rush are big fans of space exploration, whether it's 1976's 2112, the space rock opera that thrust them into stardom, or 1982's "Countdown," a song that describes the launch of space shuttle Columbia that the band watched from a VIP area at the Kennedy Space Center.

It's only fitting that Rush would, in turn, influence Canadian cosmonaut Chris Hadfield, who says he started listening to them in high school and was drawn to the band's "incredible originality and dissatisfaction with normal" in a new video post he's made from aboard the International Space Station ...

You can read the entire article and check out the video at this location (thanks Jeff P).

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