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Thu, Mar 13, 2025

Anthrax's cover of Rush's Anthem now available for streaming online

Fri, Jan 18, 2013@11:34AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 1/21@1:06PM: Reader kevin has uploaded the track to YouTube at this location.

UPDATE - 1/18@2:24PM: Ultimate Classic Rock has already reviewed the track, giving it an 8 out of 10 rating.

Back in April of last year we first heard that thrash metal pioneers Anthrax would be including a cover of Rush's Anthem on an upcoming tribute EP. The track is now available for streaming online at at this location (thanks Brian C). The EP will be titled Anthems and be released on March 19th:

Perennial thrashers Anthrax are prepping the release of a new EP, Anthems, that will hit shelves on March 19th on Megaforce. It finds the group covering songs by some of their favorite artists, including Thin Lizzy's "Jailbreak" and Boston's "Smokin.'"

Now you can take a listen to their thundering cover of Rush's "Anthem" done with a fresh, metal twist. "When I was first learning to play drums, I would strap on my headphones, play along with [Rush's live album All the World's a Stage] and be transformed," Anthrax drummer Charlie Benante tells Rolling Stone. "I remember talking with Cliff [Burton] and Kirk [Hammett of Metallica] back when we first met, and we all agreed how much of an influence Rush was on all of us. I don't [know] if you would hear anything that sounds like Rush in Anthrax's music, but the passion, the drive, the musicianship and the appreciation is all there."

You can listen to the track online at the website here.

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[Anthrax's Anthem covers EP due out in March]
[Anthrax members discuss covering Rush's Anthem in new interview]
[Anthrax to cover Rush's Anthem for upcoming tribute album]

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