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Sun, Feb 2, 2025

Robe Lighting website feature on Rush's Clockwork Angels tour; confirms 2013 North American tour?

Wed, Dec 5, 2012@9:54AM | comments removed/disabled

Robe Lighting has published an article to their website where they discuss how their lighting equipment was used on Rush's Clockwork Angels tour. They speak with Rush lighting director Howard Ungerleider who discusses how 48 of Robe's LEDWash 600s attached to 4 triangular shaped trusses were used on the tour:

... He really loves the way that the look of the LEDWash beam can resemble the specific "silky and velvety" textures and light qualities of a PAR 64. "You would never think it was an LED source!" he affirms.

The LEDWash 600s are used heavily during a song called 'The Garden' which is highly theatrical. "They are absolutely ideal for this," states Howard, "Really just like an old style PAR" ...but a fraction of the weight and power consumption and much more versatile! ...

But probably the most intriguing part of the article is what is said towards the end regarding the 2013 tour:

... The tour continues in the U.S. into Spring 2013 and is then scheduled to visit Europe before returning to North America for the rest of the Summer, when it will have been on the road for a year.

If accurate, this confirms that Rush will do a run of US/Canada dates in the Spring before heading to Europe, then returning to North America for another leg in the summer. Good news! You can read the entire article at this location. Thanks to Greg N for the heads up.

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