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Rush Clockwork Angels tour Toronto show #1 open thread

Sun, Oct 14, 2012@1:37PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 10/18@12:06PM: Here's a gallery of photos from the show posted over at the 94.9 The Rock website (thanks bucklemyshoe).

UPDATE - 10/18@9:30AM: Clockwork Angels: The Novel author Kevin J. Anderson was a guest speaker at RushCon this past weekend in Toronto and also attended the band's Sunday night show. He has posted a complete report along with several great photos to his blog at this location.

UPDATE - 10/17@10:23AM: Here's a review from the Toronto Globe and Mail.

UPDATE - 10/16@12:15PM: Here's a very negative review from; they didn't appreciate the setlist.

UPDATE - 10/15@10:55PM: A few members of the Clockwork Angels String Ensemble were guests on Kim Mitchell's show on Toronto's Q107 today and a short, 2-minute video from the appearance was posted to YouTube (thanks John). You can watch the video below or at this link (*SPOILERS*):

----- snip -----

UPDATE - 10/15@4:25PM: Here's a review from T-MAK World, and another from

UPDATE - 10/15@3:38PM: Official photos from the show have been posted over at, and there's also this photo gallery that was posted over at

UPDATE - 10/15@10:53AM: Here's a review from the Toronto Star.

UPDATE - 10/15@9:25AM: Reports from the show along with this review from The Toronto Sun seem to indicate that the Night A setlist was played as expected; complete setlist here.

Rush returns to the hometown tonight to play the first of 2 back-to-back shows at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto. The band is due to play their Night A setlist this go-around - the same that was played in Bridgeport (*SPOILERS*) on Wednesday. If there are any deviations from this setlist I'll post them here. Here's an article previewing the show from Wednesday's Toronto Star titled Geddy Lee on the sustained Rush. For everybody going to tonight's show - have fun, be safe and make sure to share your reports, reviews, and photos with us. A special shout-out to all those concertgoers who attended RushCon this weekend. RUSH!!

Date/Time: Sunday, October 14th @ 7:30PM
Show Number: 15
Venue: Air Canada Centre
Place: Toronto, ON

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NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
