Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sun, Mar 9, 2025

Getting to know the Clockwork Angels String Ensemble

Sun, Sep 16, 2012@11:42AM | comments removed/disabled

When it was first announced that Rush would be touring with a string section, many Rush fans were skeptical about incorporating other musicians into a Rush show; something that had never been done before. There were also many questions raised such as how many musicians would be included, would it be the same group for each show, where they would set up on stage, etc. Now that the band has 5 shows under their belts, we know that the string section has remained constant with the same 8 musicians - 2 cellists and 6 violinists (plus the conductor David Campbell) - but there was still very little known about the individual members. When the tourbook was released a couple of weeks ago, we finally learned the names of the musicians as they were listed in the credits:

David Campbell - Conductor
Joel Derouin - Violin
Gerry Hilera - Violin
Jonathan Dinklage - Violin
Entcho Tudorov - Violin
Mario De Leon - Violin
Audrey Solomon - Violin
Jacob Szekely - Cello
Adele Stein - Cello

Last week cellist Adele Stein was interviewed for a piece in The Salina Journal, so we got to learn a good bit about her background from that interview. But what about the other 7 musicians? Rob over at the Rush Vault decided to do a little research and has put together a nice profile of the 8 musicians of the Clockwork Angels String Ensemble (as Geddy dubbed them on opening night) which you can check out at this location. He gives a brief background on each member including a photo and list of other projects they've worked on and musicians they've worked with. Thanks Rob!

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[Rush Clockwork Angels tour official teaser photo gallery]
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[Rush's Clockwork Angels tour to include a string section]
[Official Rush 2012 Clockwork Angels tour announcement and dates!]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
