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Hudson Music announces the release of a companion book to Neil Peart's Taking Center Stage instructional DVD

Fri, Sep 14, 2012@12:33PM | comments removed/disabled

Last year Neil Peart released his third instructional DVD Taking Center Stage: A Lifetime of Live Performance. Today Hudson Music has announced the release of a full-color retrospective/transcription book companion to the DVD written by Hudson Music Senior Drum Editor Joe Bergamini. From the press release:

Hudson Music has announced the upcoming release of a new book about drumming legend Neil Peart, written by well-known drummer and writer Joe Bergamini. Neil Peart not only wrote the foreword for the book, but also supervised the project and provided additional factual editing. This book is the most complete retrospective on Neil's career available in print today. Originally conceived as a companion to the groundbreaking 2011 three-disc DVD set of the same name, this book combines astonishingly detailed musical transcriptions, historical writing, instructional text, and a beautiful collection of photographs to create a book that every drummer and every fan of Neil and Rush will want to add to their collection.

At the heart of the book are note-for-note musical transcriptions of 17 songs that are included on the Taking Center Stage DVD. These transcriptions are exclusive to this book, since they are taken from the performances on the DVD, documenting how Neil currently approaches the songs. Songs include, "Tom Sawyer," "YYZ," "The Spirit of Radio," "Free Will," "Subdivisions," "Time Stand Still," "Marathon," "La Villa Strangiato," "The Trees," "Caravan," "BU2B," "Far Cry," and many others.

The book is divided into chapters corresponding to each and every Rush tour from the time Neil joined the band in 1975, up to the present. Each of these chapters contains extensive text discussing the musical approach of the band at the time, the construction
of the drum parts, and Neil's setup. Accompanying this are exquisitely detailed diagrams of each of Neil's drum sets, produced after extensive research into the exact instruments that were used on every tour. Tying everything together are stunning photos taken over the past 30 years and color reproductions of just about every drum company advertisement that has featured Neil during his career.

"Working with Neil on the Taking Center Stage DVD was a dream come true, and this book, to me, is the true completion of the project," says author (and Hudson Music Senior Drum Editor) Joe Bergamini. "I always wanted to do a coffee-table style book that would not only include drum transcriptions, but also include colorful photos, interesting text, and historical magazine covers and ads that documented Neil's career. I designed the book with all Rush fans in mind (not just drummers), and I think they will enjoy reading and looking it at as much as I enjoyed working on it."

You can check out a pdf sampler of the book here and a high-res version of the cover here. The book will be officially released on October 15th but is already available at merchandise counters on the Clockwork Angels tour. You can also pre-order it from Amazon at this location.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
