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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Mon, Jan 27, 2025

Rush Clockwork Angels tour official teaser photo gallery

Tue, Sep 4, 2012@9:34AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 9/4@2:15PM: Here's a John Arrowsmith top-side view of Neil Peart's kit that was posted to the Neil Peart Twitter feed last week.

UPDATE - 9/4@11:39AM: According to this tweet from Neil Peart drum tech Lorne Wheaton, the Clockwork Angels tour machine has arrived in Manchester:

Getting close...The HOT seat is set up in Manchester, NH...

If the band isn't there already, they should be very soon - and full tour rehearsals at the venue should occur within the next couple of days. There's nothing else going on at the Verizon Wireless Arena this week, so the band has the place to themselves. In other tour-related news, Rush's official merchandiser - Showtech Merchandising - has filed a lawsuit in federal court to try and fend off producers and sellers of knock-off shirts and other merchandise.

----- snip -----

Rush pytrotechnician and tour photographer John Arrowsmith has posted a gallery of Clockwork Angels tour teaser images to the official Rush tour photo website at The gallery contains a number of closeup and out-of-focus shots of some spectacular steampunk imagery from the set. It's truly a teaser gallery since none of the photos are very revealing. You can check them out at this location.

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NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
