Rush is a Band

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Thu, Feb 27, 2025

Runaways producer Kim Fowley claims Rush mistreated them

Tue, Aug 21, 2012@8:19AM | comments removed/disabled

Kim Fowley was the producer and mastermind behind the '70s all-girl group The Runaways. He is currently in the process of trying to get the band to re-group for a tour. Fowley was recently interviewed by Legendary Rock Interviews and comments on a scene from The Runaways biopic movie where the band reacts against negative treatment from another band. The scene is supposedly based on the way Rush behaved towards The Runaways when they opened for Rush in 1977:

... Rush had pseudo-intellectual lyrics and very heady stuff that was all HP Lovecraft, and that doesn't always go over so well in Detroit. Add to that the complicated musical interludes and screaming vocals, and it's not hard to understand the appeal of the Runaways. They also weren't very nice to the girls. If you watch the movie there's an incident in which the girls rebel against an older bunch of guys they're on the bill with. That was Rush, and that actually happened, terribly, to them. ...

Rocker Joan Jett caused quite a flap a couple of years ago discussing this subject back when she was making the interview rounds promoting the film. Her former bandmate Cherie Currie later entered the fray. The Runaways actually attended a party in Rush's honor in December of 1976 as pictured here but didn't tour with them until a couple of months later in February of 1977 where the alleged incident(s) would have taken place.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
