Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sun, Feb 23, 2025

Inside Rush: Clockwork Angels one-hour radio special hosted by Billy Corgan now online

Mon, Jun 11, 2012@12:06PM | comments removed/disabled

FMQB Productions in association with Anthem/Roadrunner Records will be airing a 1-hour Clockwork Angels special titled Inside Rush: Clockwork Angels beginning today. The special is hosted by Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins and he talks with Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee about the new release, making music, and much more. It will be airing on radio stations across the country and is now also available online via SoundCloud at this link (thanks Firefighter SAL).

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[Rush producer Nick Raskulinecz talks Clockwork Angels track-by-track in new interview]
[Planet Rock's Rush Clockwork Angels album special now available online; album review update]
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[Geddy Lee Classic Rock bonus content video interview now online]
[Rush Clockwork Angels liner notes, lyrics now available online]
[Rush Clockwork Angels additional sample clips now available]
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[Inside Rush: Clockwork Angels one-hour radio special hosted by Billy Corgan to air week of album release]
[Rush Clockwork Angels album 30-second sample clips for all 12 tracks now available]
[Rush Clockwork Angels fanpack sampler e-zine now online]
[Alex Lifeson talks Clockwork Angels track-by-track in new interview]
[Clockwork Angels review from music journalist Martin Popoff]
[Clockwork Angels biography/essay by Neil Peart available online]
[Clockwork Angels track-by-track album review from The Digital Fix]
[Rush producer Nick Raskulinecz talks Clockwork Angels in new interview]
[Rush Clockwork Angels full album review track-by-track]
[Rush Clockwork Angels feature in April, 2012 issue of Prog]
[Rush Clockwork Angels official announcement, video trailer with Headlong Flight preview, cover art and track list!]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
