Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sun, Feb 23, 2025

Clockwork Angels biography/essay by Neil Peart available online

Fri, May 18, 2012@10:28AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 5/20@8:15PM: Here's a short review of the Clockwork Angels album from (thanks snowdog2113). It's a positive review although not as glowing as the ones we've seen thus far.

UPDATE - 5/20@8:13PM: The essay/bio is also posted at as a full PDF file complete with images (thanks James W). The essay's title is The Future as Seen from the Past (Or: Yesterday's Tomorrowland).

Reader snowdog2113 recently discovered that the complete Clockwork Angels biography/essay written by Neil Peart has been posted online at the Roadrunner Records website. You can access it at this link by clicking on the Biography tab. While we've seen many excerpts from this essay in various interviews over the past several weeks, we hadn't seen the entire biography until now. Neil outlines the entire 3-year history of the Clockwork Angels album - from its inception in 2009 on through the recording of Caravan and BU2B, how the idea for a novelization was born, and the addition of strings from David Campbell in the 2012 mixing phase:

... On the bright side-even the brilliant side-one very special aspect of this project is the lush and exotic string arrangements, by David Campbell. One January afternoon at Ocean Way Studios in Hollywood, I stood in the control room listening while the strings were being recorded. It occurred to me that all songwriters should experience the sensual delight of hearing their songs performed by an accomplished string section. For example, when these virtuoso artists on violin, viola, cello, and double-bass executed David's plangent orchestration for "The Garden," there was not a dry eye in the studio. ...

You can read the entire essay at this link (click the Biography tab).

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NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
