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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

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Rush producer Nick Raskulinecz talks Clockwork Angels in new interview

Tue, May 8, 2012@5:47PM | comments removed/disabled

Joe Bosso of recently sat down with Rush producer Nick Raskulinecz to discuss the making of Clockwork Angels. Nick first talks about how the recording differed from that of Snakes & Arrows:

... "This one we started from scratch. They didn't talk about doing a concept album - that came later. But when I sat down with them three years ago, I said, 'I want to hear unbridled Rush. I don't want to focus on three-and-a-half minute songs; I don't want verse, chorus, verse, chorus - none of that. I want you guys to play, no holds barred. Let's just make music.' And that's what we did." ...

He then goes on to discuss how songs were constructed and tracked, and how Neil's steampunk concept came to life:

... "That really started to come to light in Toronto. Two weeks or so into it, as Geddy and Alex were writing more music, we all kind of looked at one another and said, 'Hey, this is really turning into something. It's tying together.' Then one day, Neil walked in the room and said, 'It's done. I finished it.'

"For the next 20 minutes, Neil talked about this vision he had for the concept of the record, and it was one of those moments I'll never forget. Listening to him, watching him speak - it was amazing! I wish we were filming him so we could put it on YouTube. And right there, the whole record just clicked. Once Geddy and Al heard where Neil was going, they churned out some amazing music. I think Headlong Flight came the next day." ...

You can read the entire interview at this link. Joe Bosso also had posted his track-by-track review of the album yesterday which you can check out here.

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