Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Mar 13, 2025

MegaDeth bassist David Ellefson on Neil Peart's influence as a lyricist

Tue, Apr 10, 2012@9:23AM | comments removed/disabled

Megadeth bass player David Ellefson was recently interviewed by Metal Forces magazine to discuss his self-published book Unsung: Words & Images. The book contains some of Ellefson's unpublished lyrics and images, and he touches on Neil Peart's influence as a lyricist in one part of the interview:

... A writer in his own right, the Scottsdale, Arizona-based musician has a varied range of favourite lyricists. "I think growing up, the one lyricist to my age group that probably rocked all of our worlds was Neil Peart (drummer)," he discloses. "Rush suddenly became this band that was not only musically progressive and really spoke to our musical sensibilities, but his lyrics added a whole other dimension and also a whole other intellectual dimension to Rush's music. ...

You can purchase a copy of Unsung through at this link. Thanks to Victor L for the heads up.

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