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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Fri, Mar 14, 2025

New Neil Peart DW drum set for Studio City Sound recording session with Vertical Horizon

Tue, Feb 28, 2012@11:04AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 2/28@4:15PM: The full update was only a few more words than what was displayed in the preview (thanks hermy) so I've included it all below. They also reference this post as the source of the news, although it should be noted that the YouTube vid has been online for over a month.

UPDATE - 2/28@2:49PM: Vertical Horizon has semi-confirmed this via an update on their Pledge Music site. Although you need to make a pledge to see the whole update:

Okay this BIG news has come out online, and it's not definite yet ... but we're working to make it happen. I won't comment publicly online about it yet, but since it's out there I wanted you to see this. Neil and I are working on the scheduling, and DW has kindly made him a new kit to try and facilitate. Thanks for your support. Matt

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The 2012 NAMM show took place last month and there was one bit of Neil Peart news revealed that fell completely off the radar. Studio City Sound mixing engineer Tom Weir briefly interviewed John Good and Scott Donnell of Drum Workshop at the show and they revealed some news about a new custom Neil Peart drum set. Vertical Horizon is currently working on their new album at Studio City Sound in Los Angeles, and apparently DW made a custom kit for Neil for use in the recording sessions for the album, which will be engineered by Weir. So it looks like Neil will once again be making a guest appearance on the band's album - as he did for 2009's Burning the Days. At least that was my interpretation. It's also not clear whether Neil will be using this kit in any other capacity. You can watch the video below or at this link and judge for yourself. Thanks to Mark B for the heads up.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
