Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

American Idol contestant sings Rush's Tom Sawyer

Wed, Feb 1, 2012@10:04PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 2/2@3:26PM: From the CBS News Celebrity Circuit recap of American Idol (thanks Power Windows):

... From the rushes came David Weed, who looked like Napoleon Dynamite's best friend and sang, well, Rush. After he had finished his finely high-pitched attempt at mimicking Rush, Jackson asked him if he really thought he sounded like Rush's lead singer, Geddy Lee. Weed explained that he hoped he sounded a little different. Jackson retorted that yes, Lee is good. ...

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UPDATE - 2/2@11:36AM: From Rolling Stone's recap of the episode (thanks John at

.... Next up is David Weed, who thinks that singing Rush on a show built on the songs of Katy Perry and Stevie Wonder is a good choice. The only thing his version of Geddy Lee will win him is a lifetime of never getting laid. ...

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UPDATE - 2/2@6:25AM: Here's the video of the audition:

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As a fitting tribute to 2.1.12 Day, a contestant (David Weed) on this evening's episode of the reality show American Idol attempted to sing Rush's Tom Sawyer for his audition. After his very poor performance (in the judge's minds at least) judge Randy Jackson asked him if he thought Geddy Lee sounded like he did and the contestant said I'm hoping I don't sound exactly like him. Jackson then said yeah...he actually sounds really good. They then played Tom Sawyer in the background as the contestant walked out of the audition. Thanks to hermy for the heads up.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
