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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Tue, Feb 11, 2025

Neil Peart reflects on Ohio rides, Cleveland, the Rock Hall, and the Time Machine video in new essay

Sun, Nov 13, 2011@10:05AM | comments removed/disabled

[Rush's Neil Peart takes a ride in his Ohio time machine: Exclusive]

Rush's long-awaited Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert video finally released this past week on DVD, Blu-ray, CD and on vinyl (Moving Pictures tracks only). In honor of the release, Neil Peart penned an exclusive article/essay for today's Cleveland Plain Dealer where he reflects on some of his memorable Ohio bicycle/motorcycle rides, the band's affinity for Cleveland, why they chose the city to film their latest DVD, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:

... It was felt that the "Time Machine" show in particular looked better indoors, without the lingering twilight of an outdoor amphitheater, and with control over ambient light and air currents. Also, the audio side of things tends to be more controllable in a contained acoustic environment. (Wind, for example, can play havoc with sound waves and microphones.) So we wanted an arena.

Glancing over the itinerary, we considered the options, looked at Cleveland, and thought, "Yes." The idea just made us smile. The historical connection was strong, of course -- we never, never, never forget how welcoming Cleveland was to us in the early days. (Thank you, Donna Halper!)

But there was also the impish notion of poking a sharp stick into the eye of a certain other Cleveland institution. With regard to Groucho Marx's famous remark -- "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member" -- I have stated before that personally the three of us are not too bothered about that snub. We have achieved plenty of success and professional respect without those self-appointed judges, thank you very much.

But it does seem petty to make our fans feel like they're part of something that's "outside the pale." (Though maybe, in a way, all of us like being outside the pale?) ...

You can read the entire essay at the Cleveland Plain Dealer website.

Related Posts:
[Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland release open thread]
[Limelight preview video from Rush's upcoming Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland concert video available online]
[Working Man preview video from Rush's upcoming Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland concert video available online]
[Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert video US theatrical premiere tonight]
[Theaters and showtimes for UK theatrical showing of Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert now online]
[Roadrunner Records releases 7 tracks from Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland CD to radio]
[Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland official trailer now online]
[Rush Hashanah and the Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert premiere tonight on VH1 Classic]
[Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland CD and Moving Pictures: Live 2011 vinyl album now available for pre-order]
[Rush 2011 Time Machine Tour: Cleveland open thread]

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