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Fri, Jan 17, 2025

Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland release open thread

Mon, Nov 7, 2011@5:25PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 11/16@9:53AM: Here's a CD review from the Kiowa County Signal.

UPDATE - 11/15@9:39AM: Here's a humorous video review of the DVD from Metal Hammer (thanks Runkerry), and here's the 8/10 PopMatters review.

UPDATE - 11/14@8:58AM: Here's a 5-star review from

UPDATE - 11/10@9:59AM: sent out a belated newsletter regarding the Time Machine release last night. In it they confirm the exclusive Best Buy blu-ray US release:

A note for US fans, Best Buy will have an exclusive t-shirt with BluRay or DVD package, and will have the BluRay exclusively in-stores until mid-December. You can also purchase the Blu-Ray directly from the band store or online from Best Buy.

They also provide another link to the Limelight preview video that works in both the US and UK. They also make the following announcement a couple of days late:

VH1 Classic Rock Nights will feature Geddy Lee
On November 8th, to celebrate the release of Time Machine, each hour from 7p-midnight ET, VH1 CRN will feature a new live Rush song from Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland.

They will also feature interview clips with Geddy Lee about the recording, and will be giving away prize packs.

Click on listen live and choose a station to listen from -

So unless you are a regular listener of VH1 Classic Rock Nights you probably missed this. :)

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UPDATE - 11/9@12:04PM: Here's a 5-star review from

UPDATE - 11/9@9:45AM: Here's a review from Something Else!.

UPDATE - 11/8@1:39PM: As reader Taurus Pedal Boy pointed out in the comments, the t-shirt that comes with the exclusive Best Buy offer is not free. It comes as part of their Deluxe Blu-ray Package which comes in a cardboard box and costs $24.99 whereas the blu-ray by itself is $19.99. So in essence you are paying $5 for the t-shirt.

UPDATE - 11/8@9:49AM: The entire Time Machine CD is available on iTunes at this link, and is also up on Spotify at this link.

UPDATE - 11/8@9:09AM: Here's the Rolling Stone review of the Time Machine CD where they give it 3.5 stars.

UPDATE - 11/8@8:05AM: Here's a review of the Time Machine CD from Purple Revolver (thanks Power Windows).

The Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland DVD/Blu-ray will release tomorrow in the US and Canada along with the CD companion and a vinyl-only package containing just the live tracks from the Moving Pictures album titled Moving Pictures: Live 2011. The package already released in parts of Europe over the weekend and released in the UK today. The blu-ray version of the video will be getting an exclusive release at Best Buy in the US tomorrow, with it not becoming available at other US retailers until 6 weeks later on December 20th. The Best Buy offer will also include an XL RASH t-shirt with any purchase of the blu-ray. The exclusive offer does not apply to the Rush Backstage Club since they are an international retailer. Reader Ben from The Netherlands received his copy of the Time Machine CD this past Friday and took some images for us which you can check out at this link. Roadrunner Records posted another preview video from the DVD last week. Unfortunately viewing seems to be geographically restricted to the UK. So if you are in the UK you can check out Limelight from Time Machine at this link. had posted a preview video of Working Man early last week at this link. A couple of weeks back Rolling Stone magazine posted the entire Tom Sawyer clip from the DVD including the Real History of Rush intro to their website at this link. Rolling Stone also included a short interview with Geddy Lee where he talks about why the band picked Cleveland for the filming, and his feelings on the added pressure of performing in front of the cameras which you can check out here. Here's a review of the DVD from the Buffalo News, and here's a review from RIAB reader Todd Garbarini (RushSignals1982). If you've received your copy of any the various Time Machine swag, please share your thoughts/reviews with us in the comments.

Related Posts:
[Limelight preview video from Rush's upcoming Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland concert video available online]
[Working Man preview video from Rush's upcoming Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland concert video available online]
[Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert video US theatrical premiere tonight]
[Rush Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland Blu-ray Best Buy exclusive offer?]
[Theaters and showtimes for UK theatrical showing of Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert now online]
[Theatrical showing of Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland will be the entire concert]
[Roadrunner Records releases 7 tracks from Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland CD to radio]
[Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland official trailer now online]
[Theaters and showtimes for theatrical showing of Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert now online]
[Rush Hashanah and the Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert premiere tonight on VH1 Classic]
[Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland CD and Moving Pictures: Live 2011 vinyl album now available for pre-order]
[Rush 2011 Time Machine Tour: Cleveland open thread]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
