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Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert video US theatrical premiere tonight

Wed, Oct 26, 2011@12:28PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 10/27@5:00PM: Here's a review of the Time Machine DVD from longtime RIAB reader Todd Garbarini (RushSignals1982). Todd also wrote one of the early reviews of the Rush documentary Beyond the Lighted Stage last year which you can check out here, along with an interview with the filmmakers Sam Dunn and Scott McFadyen at this link.

UPDATE - 10/27@2:16PM: Reader Rayzer2112 contacted Canadian movie magazine Tribute and was told that there would be NO Canadian theatrical dates for Time Machine at all. No reasoning was given. :(

UPDATE - 10/26@1:14PM: Rolling Stone magazine just posted the entire Tom Sawyer clip from the DVD including the Real History of Rush intro to their website at this link (thanks Power Windows):

Rush played their 1980 album Moving Pictures every night on their 2010-2011 Time Machine tour, so it was a little tough to pick one show to film for a DVD release. "We realized that we've recorded almost all of our DVDs abroad," Rush frontman Geddy Lee tells Rolling Stone. "And we had never done one in America, and we noticed we were doing Cleveland on the last leg of the tour. We though it was an appropriate choice seeing as Cleveland's such an important town in our history. It was the first city that was ever warm to us. We thought it would be kind of apropos to come full circle and do that particular show there."

Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland is in stores now. Lee admits that he feels a little extra pressure at shows when the cameras are rolling. "You always get a little bit of a tight ass when you're doing a recording," he says. "Even though we’ve done I don’t know how many of these things by now, you want it to be perfect. And of course it rarely is perfect, but you just hope for a good show and we certainly felt we did a good show that night. The crowd really inspired us to want to work as hard as we could. But you can say you’re a veteran, but when the red light comes on, you do tighten up a little bit." ...

----- snip -----

Tonight is the theatrical premiere of Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert video in the US and Chile (3 theaters in Santiago). The UK premiere will occur next Tuesday, November 1st, and there's still no word on any Canadian dates. For a complete list of theaters and showtimes go to Chromey, the chrome Slingerland kit once owned by Neil Peart, will be on display for the premiere tonight from 5-11PM at the Marcus Majestic Theatre, Brookfield in Brookfield, WI, as well as next Wednesday's November 5th showing at the Goodrich Randall 15 in Batavia, IL. For all the details check out this post at Andrew Olson's site. Donna Halper will be in attendance and will say a few words at tonight's showing of the film at the Regent Theater in Arlington, MA. If you know of any other pre-show gatherings/parties please share the details in the comments. Reviews of the video are starting to come out; here's one from the Buffalo News. The edited, 2-hour VH1 Classic TV version of the film will be shown on Palladia starting on Saturday, November 5th. You can watch the official trailer at this link.

The Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland DVD/Blu-ray will release on November 8th along with the CD companion and a vinyl-only package containing just the live tracks from the Moving Pictures album titled Moving Pictures: Live 2011. Although there still hasn't been any official announcement, it looks like the blu-ray version of the video will be getting an exclusive November 8th release at Best Buy in the US, with it not becoming available at other US retailers until 6 weeks later on December 20th. It's still not completely clear whether the exclusive offer applies to the Rush Backstage Club, but as of right now they are still claiming that they will release the Blu-ray on November 8th. The Best Buy offer will also include an XL RASH t-shirt with any purchase of the blu-ray. A few weeks back Roadrunner Records released 7 live cuts from the Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland CD to radio. The 7 tracks were The Spirit of Radio, Workin' Them Angels, Faithless, Tom Sawyer, Limelight, Caravan and Working Man.

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[Theaters and showtimes for UK theatrical showing of Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert now online]
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[Roadrunner Records releases 7 tracks from Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland CD to radio]
[Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland official trailer now online]
[Theaters and showtimes for theatrical showing of Rush's Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert now online]
[Rush Hashanah and the Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland concert premiere tonight on VH1 Classic]
[Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland CD and Moving Pictures: Live 2011 vinyl album now available for pre-order]
[Rush Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland Blu-ray release date pushed back]
[Geddy Lee, Rush management preview the Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland DVD/Blu-ray]
[Rush 2011 Time Machine Tour: Cleveland open thread]

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