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Mon, Jan 27, 2025

Rush Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland Blu-ray release date pushed back

Sun, Sep 25, 2011@10:43AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 9/25@11:55AM: Reader David_MSP did find a Best Buy listing for the Blu-ray, which shows the release date as November 8th. Amazon is usually first with any release date changes so things should start to shake out with other retailers' listings in the coming days/weeks.

According to, the release date for the Blu-ray version of Rush's upcoming Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland has been pushed back all the way to December 20th - just barely in enough time for Christmas (thanks angiodan). The DVD version is still listed with a November 8th release however. There's no explanation for the delay but it's possible this could be due to some kind of exclusive early Blu-ray release deal - similar to what was done with the Moving Pictures Deluxe edition earlier this year where Best Buy released the Blu-ray version one month earlier than other retailers. Best Buy currently has no listing for the Blu-ray at all though, so maybe there's an exclusive deal with another retailer such as the Rush Backstage Club (who currently still has a November 8th release date listed) - or it's just a universal delay for some other reason. More information as we learn it. Last week Rush revealed via a press release that a 2-CD audio companion to the concert video would be released on November 8th - the same day as the DVD/Blu-ray, along with a package containing only the live tracks from the Moving Pictures album titled Moving Pictures: Live 2011, available only in vinyl or digital formats. The press release also contained details regarding the DVD/Blu-ray bonus features, and announced that the film would be getting a theatrical release beginning October 26th. In addition to that, VH1 Classic will be premiering an edited, 2-hour version of the concert as part of their Rush Hashanah celebration on Wednesday, September 28th.

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[Moving Pictures: Live 2011 to release November 8th, Time Machine 2011 theatrical release October 26th]
[DirecTV listings indicate that VH1 Classic will premiere Rush's Time Machine 2011 live concert video during Rush Hashanah]
[Geddy Lee, Rush management preview the Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland DVD/Blu-ray]
[Rush Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland DVD/Blu-ray release date pushed back to November 8th]
[Rush Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland DVD/Blu-ray details, bonus features]
[Rush Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland Blu-ray now available for pre-order]
[Rush Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland DVD/Blu-ray release date pushed back to October 25th]
[Rush Time Machine live DVD now available for pre-order]
[Rush Cleveland live DVD/Blu-ray to be titled Time Machine, releases on September 27th]
[Rush live DVD to release September 27th on Concord Records]
[Rush sound engineer Rich Chycki checks in on the Moving Pictures 5.1 remix, Cleveland live DVD]
[Rush 2011 Time Machine Tour: Cleveland open thread]

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