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Fri, Jan 24, 2025

Neil Peart wishes Danny Carey a happy 50th birthday via video

Tue, May 17, 2011@2:25PM | comments removed/disabled

Tool drummer Danny Carey recently turned 50 and celebrated with a birthday bash at the Smog Shoppe in Culver City this past Friday the 13th according to the latest news entry at the Tool website. Although Neil Peart was not in attendance (obviously - since he's in Europe) he did send Danny some birthday wishes via a video titled Made it to 50. This latest news entry also sheds some light on an earlier news entry from last month which stated that Danny had recently gotten together for a drumming/recording session with Neil Peart, Stewart Copeland and Les Claypool. Few details were given at the time, but this latest news entry fills in some of the gaps:

... best of all were all the homemade video birthday wishes that were sent in. Although I didn't get a chance to see them all, among those that stood out were Josh Freese's "Family Greetings", Ben Sherazi's "Urban Golf", Neil Peart's "Made it to 50", Justin's "Massive bong hit toast" (no doubt Danny's mom's favorite), and the absolutely priceless footage of Danny jamming with Neil Peart, Stewart Copeland and Les Claypool at Stewart's house (I didn't know Danny played the flute). There were also lots of early videos of Danny during his Kansas City rock drummer days, footage of Green Jell-O on tour, and 90's behind-the-scenes Tool shenanigans. And then there was this Bill Brasky-esqe skit at the Cha Cha Lounge with Frank, Aloke Dutta, Kent Brisley, BMB, Chris Pitman, Ben Sherazi and (from Glendale) Rich Estrada. Hopefully some of these videos will make it to "Youtube" or, better yet, onto Danny's website. ...

We had originally thought the session probably had occurred in the Drum Channel studios, but this post confirms that it was instead at Copeland's house in Los Angeles, Danny was playing the flute, and - best of all - it confirms that some video exists. Hopefully some of this video will makes its way onto the internet in the near future. Thanks to Thousand_Mile_Stair for the heads up.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
