Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Tue, Mar 4, 2025

Rush's Moving Pictures reenters the Billboard 200 at #137

Sat, Apr 2, 2011@9:37AM | comments removed/disabled

Apparently Rush's Time Machine works! I think it's 1981 ... because Rush's Moving Pictures has reentered the Billboard 200 at position 137 due to the Moving Pictures 30th anniversary deluxe edition release. I'm still a little confused on the timing, because the remix doesn't actually release until April 5th but the Billboard 200 is dated April 9th. Whatever - does it really matter? A 30-year old Rush album is in the Billboard 200. How cool is that? What's also cool is how they still list its peak position at #3 (this occurred back in 1981) and that it's been on the charts for 69 weeks. :) Thanks to John at for the heads up.

Both the DVD and Blu-ray versions of the Moving Pictures 30th anniversary deluxe edition will release this coming Tuesday, April 5th. The DVD version will be available via multiple retailers but the Blu-ray will only be sold exclusively through Best Buy for the first 30 days; other retailers will have the Blu-ray version on May 3rd. You can get more details regarding the Moving Pictures deluxe edition in this post and pre-order your copy at Amazon (CD+DVD, CD+Blu-ray). There's also a 30-second trailer for the release which you can watch below or at this location.

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[Moving Pictures 30th anniversary deluxe edition trailer, contest]
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[Moving Pictures 5.1 surround sound remix Blu-ray release delayed]
[Moving Pictures 5.1 surround sound remix details from]
[Moving Pictures 5.1 surround sound remix available for pre-order]
[Moving Pictures 5.1 surround sound remix to be released April 5th]
[Richard Chycki on the Moving Pictures 5.1 surround sound remix]
[Alex Lifeson on UK digital radio station Planet Rock today]

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