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Fri, Jan 3, 2025

Rush featured in short Rolling Stone article

Sat, Dec 11, 2010@7:23PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 12/11@8:45PM: RushFanForever notes that Justin Bieber, Drake and the Rush documentary were all nominated for Grammy Awards this year.

Rush gets a quick mention in the most recent issue of Rolling Stone Magazine in a short article titled Canada to Earth: Party Like It's 2112! The article focuses on how it was a big year for Canadian pop culture with the success of Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber, Canadian rapper Drake and the Rush documentary Rush Beyond the Lighted Stage. You can check out a scan of the article here and read a transcription below.

Canada to Earth: Party Like It's 2112!

They come from the land of the ice and snow: the Canadian Invasion

Damn you, Canada! Is there no end to your cultural domination? The Dirty North had a heck of a year, giving the world the hottest new rapper, the hottest teen heartthrob and that totally awesome Rush documentary. Drake scored one U.S. radio smash after another, dropping his long-awaited debut album, Thank Me Later, while becoming Canada's most exciting hip-hop success story since Snow unleashed 12 Inches of Snow. His Ontario homey Justin Bieber stole the hearts of America's young ladies, with bangs that fluttered teasingly over his eyebrows. Biebermania reached the point where Kim Kardashian got death threats after paparazzi snapped her and Bieber frolicking on the beach. And the Rush flick Beyond the Lighted Stage got rerun on VH1 so many times, it became a weekend-afternoon hangover staple. All that's needed now is for Bieber to do an album of Rush covers. He better hustle, though, while his voice is still as high as Geddy Lee's. Today's Justin Bieber, he gets high on you!

Thanks to Dave T for the heads up and the scan.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
