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Rush Time Machine Tour: Red Rocks show #2 open thread

Wed, Aug 18, 2010@2:23PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 8/19@12:44PM: Here's a time-lapse video of last night's concert condensed down to one minute created using the Red Rocks webcam (thanks Nathan):

----- snip -----

UPDATE - 8/19@7:38AM: Official photos have been posted over at in the Multimedia: Rush on the Road section.

Rush plays the 2nd of their 2 shows at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison, CO tonight. Monday's show got off to a rocky start (pun intended) due to some technical issues but ended up being another great show. Rumors had been flying around that either one or both of the Red Rocks shows would be recorded/filmed but that seems unlikely at this point. From several rumors I've heard over the past few weeks, the Columbus show at Nationwide Arena will be the show that gets filmed. This type of thing is rarely announced beforehand, so we'll just have to wait and see. Reader Todd V reported sighting Alex and Geddy last night in downtown Boulder, CO and was able to snap this photo. The two were having dinner at Frasca with Alex's son and two other guests and graciously took some time out to talk briefly with a few fans. Apparently they were drinking a 1974 vintage wine in celebration of the anniversary of their first US show with Neil Peart - the August 14th show at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh opening for Uriah Heap. For everybody going to tonight's show have fun, be safe, and make sure to share your photos/videos/reports.

Date/Time: Wednesday, August 18th @ 8:00PM
Show Number: 21
Venue: Red Rocks Amphitheatre
Place: Morrison, CO (outside Denver)

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