UPDATE - 8/19@9:34PM: Here's a small gallery of photos from the show courtesy Steve M
UPDATE - 8/19@3:01PM: Here's a review from the Denver Post along with this great photo gallery (thanks GoldenRushFan).
UPDATE - 8/19@7:38AM: Official photos have been posted over at Rush.com in the Multimedia: Rush on the Road section.
UPDATE - 8/18@11:24AM: Reader Todd V reports an Alex and Geddy sighting last night in downtown Boulder, CO along with a photo. The two were having dinner at Frasca with Alex's son and two other guests. The two took time out to talk briefly with a few fans. Apparently they were drinking a 1974 vintage wine in celebration of the anniversary of their first US show with Neil Peart - the August 14th show at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh opening for Uriah Heap.
UPDATE - 8/17@11:53AM: Geddy Lee made today's MSNBC's Celebrity Sightings photo gallery where they have a picture of him performing at last night's show (thanks ancpratt2112).
UPDATE - 8/16@10:35PM: False alarm on the filming. Just the normal cameras for the rear screens were in place.
UPDATE - 8/16@7:41PM: Eric at Power Windows is at tonight's show and reports the following:
After much speculation, it appears that tonight's concert at Red Rocks WILL in fact be filmed for the next concert DVD. There is a camera track on the ground in front of the stage, and the guys in the merchandise booth said they believe it is being filmed for the DVD, but could not say more...
----- snip -----
Rush heads for the Rockies this week, taking the Time Machine Tour to the beautiful Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison, CO tonight for the first of 2 shows there. Rumor has it that one or both of these shows will be recorded/filmed, so stay tuned on that front. Red Rocks also has a live webcam available for viewing at this link. For everybody going tonight have fun, be safe, and make sure to share your photos/videos/reports.
Date/Time: Monday, August 16th @ 8:00PM
Show Number: 20
Venue: Red Rocks Amphitheatre
Place: Morrison, CO (outside Denver)
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