Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Feb 5, 2025

Rush wants Rand Paul Senate campaign to stop using its songs

Wed, Jun 2, 2010@11:05PM | comments removed/disabled

[Rock band Rush says Rand Paul campaign has no right to play its songs]

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how Tea Party candidate Rand Paul (son of Congressman and former Presidential candidate Ron Paul) had won the Republican Senatorial primary in Kentucky, causing a lot of buzz in the press. Paul happens to be a Rush fan and is known to play/quote Rush at his campaign rallies and use Rush music in his campaign videos. It seems that Rush's legal team has become aware of Rand's unauthorized use of Rush's music and have asked them to stop. From the Louisville Courier-Journal:

... the Paul campaign wasn't using the music with the band's permission, according to Rush's attorney, Robert Farmer.

Farmer, general counsel for the Anthem Entertainment Group Inc. in Toronto, which is Rush's record label, has sent a letter to Paul campaign officials informing them that they have violated copyright laws -- and urging them to stop.

"This is not a political issue -- this is a copyright issue," Farmer said in an interview. "We would do this no matter who it is."

Besides, all three members of Rush -- Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart -- are Canadians, not Americans, he pointed out. ...

... Farmer said his next legal step depends on the formal response he gets from the Paul campaign. Defendants in civil suits over copyright infringement can be subject to damages and fines. ...

Thanks to RammsteinSkins for the heads up.

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