Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

Possible Rush in-studio pics posted online

Sat, Apr 3, 2010@1:10PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 5/20@6:03PM: It's official now. Rush was at Cherry Beach Sound working on a project last month according to this press release.

UPDATE - 4/5@2:35PM: It looks like the original Pearl Drummers forum post has been taken down (thanks RushFanForever).

I posted this as an update to my Friday updates post from yesterday but wasn't sure of the validity since there was a possibility that it was an April Fools joke. But after a good bit of vetting on a couple of Rush Message Boards (Counterparts, The Rush Forum) it now looks to be legit, so I thought I'd give it a post of its own. User Chief Pronto at the Pearl Drummers Forum posted some pics Thursday night from the studio that Rush is presumably currently recording in. There are several photos of Neil's Snakes & Arrows kit and a couple of other miscellaneous shots - none with any people in it though. He won't say where the studio is, but looking at the pictures it is fairly clear that it is Cherry Beach Sound in Toronto. That and the fact that Cherry Beach Sound Senior Staff Engineer Inaam Haq has worked with Rush in the past. From the posts, it looks like they were there last week and will be there at least part of next week and that Alex is engineering the sessions. It also sounds like they are doing pre-production work here and will be finishing up in Nashville (presumably with Nick Raskulinecz) which jibes with various rumors I've heard. Neil Peart's recent Canadian Press interview did mention that ... "the band plans to do pre-production on two new songs in the coming weeks" .... The poster also promises more pics and info once they are out of the studio. I suggest you check out the post along with the discussions on Counterparts and The Rush Forum and judge for yourself. Thanks to DigitalMan745 and RushFanForever for the info.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
