Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Fri, Mar 14, 2025

Rush 2010 tour update

Thu, Feb 18, 2010@9:35PM | comments removed/disabled

Information is slowly trickling in regarding Rush's expected 2010 tour. Alex Lifeson kicked off the tour rumors back in September when he said hopefully by next summer, [Rush would] be ready to tour in this interview. Since then, both Geddy Lee and Neil Peart have chimed in with similar statements. Another clue that things were starting to happen occurred back in December when radio stations across the country ran contests to promote the release of the Working Men live compilation where they gave away chances to win tickets to Rush's next tour. And at the end of last month 105.7 WAPL out of Appleton, WI announced on the air that Rush would be playing Summerfest in Milwaukee on July 3rd. They even had a page up on their website promoting the event that has since been taken down. Apparently the date had been confirmed unofficially but the station prematurely announced it. And then in late December I reported hearing that the band was in the process of nailing down dates for a 2010 tour to start in the late Spring, focusing particularly on first getting to places they missed on the last tour - like South America and Atlantic Canada. I've just received more information which corroborates this; the band plans to tour South and North America in 2010 with an extensive Canadian leg including Atlantic Canada. In yesterday's Rush documentary update post, I let you know how TNMS member Oz had mentioned in his remarks regarding the documentary that Rush would be touring later this year but that Europe would not be included. I've also heard that it is indeed the case that Europe would not be included this year but that Rush would be following up the North/South American leg of the tour with a European leg in 2011. I am also still expecting the official tour announcement by the end of this month, although I'm not sure whether anything regarding a European leg will be included in this announcement.

Related Posts:
[Neil Peart: new Rush project may not be a full-length album]
[Rush 2010 tour and album update]
[Radio stations giving away Rush 2010 tour tickets?]
[Geddy Lee: Rush in the studio soon, Summer 2010 tour possible]
[Neil Peart news update: Rush to discuss future plans this month]
[Alex Lifeson: new Rush album, tour possible in 2010]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
