Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Mon, Mar 31, 2025

Opening night in Puerto Rico open thread

Fri, Apr 11, 2008@11:57AM | comments

S&A liveUPDATE - 4/24@11:24AM: Attendance/Capacity (Sales): 6,855/9,598 ($740,155).

UPDATE - 4/13@10:11AM: The guys over at The Rush Tour Forum have created a new Banner to haul along with them on the 2008 leg. They'd created one on the first leg and carried it to nearly every show and got 100s of fans to sign it. They got off to a good start for the 2008 leg and got Big Al Lifeson himself to autograph the banner! Pictures and details at this link. Thanks to Ray for the heads up.

UPDATE - 4/12@12:24AM: There are already a bunch of pics up on in the Multimedia: Rush on the Road section from rehearsals and tonight's show. Thanks to Walter H for the heads up.

UPDATE - 4/11@11:20PM: Show's over and it followed the rehearsal setlist as reported by Hemisferios yesterday morning exactly. Details on the encore below the fold. That's it for tonight's updates. Many, many thanks to reader Justin for his up-to-the-minute reports from Puerto Rico. Good night!

UPDATE - 4/11@11:00PM: The last two songs of the second set heading into the encore below the fold.

UPDATE - 4/11@10:50PM: Coming out of the drum solo, the next two songs of the second set below the fold.

UPDATE - 4/11@10:37PM: The next three songs of the second set, heading into Neil's drum solo below the fold. The rehearsal setlist reported earlier yesterday is still being followed exactly.

UPDATE - 4/11@10:15PM: The next three songs of the second set below the fold.

UPDATE - 4/11@9:55PM: Songs 2 and 3 of the second set below the fold.

UPDATE - 4/11@9:50PM: Back from intermission. Details regarding the intro video and first song of the second set below the fold.

UPDATE - 4/11@9:17PM: Intermission time. The last 2 songs of the first set below the fold. The first set exactly followed the rehearsal setlist as reported yesterday by reader Hemisferios.

UPDATE - 4/11@8:59PM: Next 2 songs below the fold. Still following the rehearsal setlist.

UPDATE - 4/11@8:49PM: Songs 6 and 7 below the fold. The rehearsal setlist has been proven correct so far.

UPDATE - 4/11@8:37PM: Next 2 songs below the fold.

UPDATE - 4/11@8:27PM: Songs 2 and 3 below the fold. Reader redbarchettoed also uploaded a cellphone pic of Geddy to the gallery.

UPDATE - 4/11@8:15PM: The pre-show video started shortly after 8:05 and they broke into ... see below the fold for the opening song.

UPDATE - 4/11@8:08PM: A couple of local guys (DJs?) came out at about 7:55 and said a few words, but as of 8:05 the show hadn't started yet. By the way, these up-to-the-minute updates are coming via text message from reader Justin.

UPDATE - 4/11@7:50PM: Looks like the scheduled 7:30 start time was delayed; people are still making their way into the venue.

UPDATE - 4/11@3:20PM: If anyone still doubts the rehearsal setlist (SPOILERS), go checkout the gallery page (SPOILER). There's a cellphone photo of tonight's setlist written on a piece of paper and attached to guitar pedals which was taken by a member of the stage crew and uploaded to Puerto Rican rock site Pulsorock. Thanks to yoninrush for the heads up. I guess we'll all know for certain in a few hours anyways though. :)

Rush will be kicking off the Snakes & Arrows Live tour tonight in San Juan, Puerto Rico at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico. Rush has never played Puerto Rico before so fans on the island are in for a real treat. The band arrived in San Juan earlier this week and conducted a full production rehearsal Wednesday evening. For details on the rehearsal setlist check out this post (SPOILER). Assuming my contacts come through for me I'll be posting tonight's setlist (with appropriate spoiler warnings) as it happens as well as any other interesting tidbits to this thread. I have no reason to believe it'll be any different than the rehearsal setlist, but you never know - maybe they'll surprise us.

Date/Time: Friday, April 11th @ 7:30PM
Show Number: 1
Venue: Coliseo de Puerto Rico
Place: San Juan, PR

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----- snip -----

SPOILER Update 1: The pre-show video started shortly after 8:05 and they broke into Limelight. The opening video was the same as on the first leg.

SPOILER Update 2: Digital Man ... Ghost of a Chance. So far they are following the rehearsal setlist.

SPOILER Update 3: Mission ... Freewill. Still following the rehearsal setlist.

SPOILER Update 4: The Main Monkey Business ... The Larger Bowl with the same McKenzie Brothers intro as on the first leg.

SPOILER Update 5: Red Barchetta ... The Trees substituting Secret Touch and Circumstances from the last leg. Regarding Red Barchetta, Justin mentions that there is a slight change in arrangement coming out of the solo.

SPOILER Update 6: Between The Wheels ... Dreamline, completing the first set and exactly following the rehearsal setlist as reported yesterday morning by reader Hemisferios.

SPOILER Update 7: The band is back from intermission with a new video to open the second set. The video features Geddy Lee's alter-ego Harry Satchel in What's That Smell! The video features the barbie dolls, henhouse chickens, big Al as a police officer and a miniature Neil on a miniature drumset! Then Jerry Stiller makes an appearance and they bust into Far Cry.

SPOILER Update 8: Workin' Them Angels ... Armor and Sword.

SPOILER Update 9: Spindrift ... The Way The Wind Blows ... Subdivisions.

SPOILER Update 10: Natural Science ... Witch Hunt ... Malignant Narcissism (drum solo).

SPOILER Update 11: Neil's drum solo followed the same framework as on the 2007 leg and they then segued into Hope and The Spirit of Radio. Justin reports a Neil Peart trainwreck on Spirit following the first verse.

SPOILER Update 12: The last 2 songs of the second set began with 2112: Overture / The Temples of Syrinx replacing Distant Early Warning from the first leg, and then closing with Tom Sawyer with the same South Park video introduction.

SPOILER Update 13: The show is over and the encore consisted of One Little Victory, A Passage to Bangkok and YYZ just as on the first leg. The video outro is the same as on the first leg. The final setlist follows:

Set 1:

Video Intro (same as 2007 leg, features all 3 band members)
Digital Man
Ghost of a Chance
The Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl (with McKenzie Brothers intro from 2007 leg)
Red Barchetta
The Trees
Between The Wheels


Set 2:

Far Cry (What's That Smell video featuring all 3 members)
Workin' Them Angels
Armor and Sword
The Way The Wind Blows
Natural Science
Witch Hunt
Malignant Narcissism (drum solo)
The Spirit of Radio
2112: Overture / The Temples of Syrinx
Tom Sawyer (South Park intro)

One Little Victory
A Passage To Bangkok
Video Outro (same as 2007 leg, features Geddy Lee)
