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Fri, Mar 14, 2025

Sabian rep visits Rush in the studio

Sun, Oct 22, 2006@10:08AM | comments removed/disabled

Sabian representative Chris Stankee got to visit Rush in the studio recently and details plus pics from his visit were posted on the Sabian forum:

In the past few weeks Neil has been in the studio with RUSH working on a new album. They have brought in a co-producer that has worked with Foo Fighters to add to the elixir. SABIAN's Chris Stankee joined them for a couple of days. He says, "First of all- how many people get to hang in the studio with RUSH?! That was as cool as it gets! They were working hard getting the drum & cymbal sounds recorded right and the song they were working on is amazing. Neil has an interesting routine happening too. He would play the kit along to demos working out the drum orchestration. Then retire to his office to work on the lyrics and finally making his way to the couch to collect his thoughts and then start all over again. Of course he and Lorne found a little time to pick on me in between. That's OK though as I bet they still haven't found the manicotti I left inside the bass drum for added flavor to the tone. I can just picture it...Neil thinking "man, Lorne stinks today" and Lorne thinking "man, I stink today!" Ha ha! Who loves ya fellaz?"

These pics were posted just a couple days ago but they seem to have been taken on October 6th in Toronto. So it sounds to me like they may no longer be in pre-production but are actually recording and their producer Nick Raskulinecz has joined them. Neil also looks to be using his West Coast Kit - which isn't really on the West Coast I guess. It's all a little confusing because in yesterday's Toronto Star article about the 2112 MasterWorks honor they mentioned talking to Neil from Los Angeles where he was recording the new Rush album. No matter if Rush is in Toronto or Los Angeles - as long as they're working on the new album they could be in Botswana for all I care. :)

Many thanks to Counterparts member Scain for the heads up.

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