Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Fri, Mar 14, 2025

The latest new album news: producer confirmed; 9 songs written, 12 planned

Fri, Sep 29, 2006@1:17PM | comments removed/disabled

[Rush working on new album]

Jam! magazine gives us the latest update on the new album. We've known this for a while now, but it looks like this is the official confirmation that Nick Raskulinecz will produce the next album:

Canadian rock legends Rush will be co-producing their new studio album for Anthem Records with Nick Raskulinecz (Foo Fighters). The American producer will be flying up to Toronto next week to meet with the band, which is in the demo phase right now.

"It's early stages. We have nine songs written so far," says guitarist Alex Lifeson. "We're going to continue until we have about 12 songs and finish up preproduction at the end of October, so we'll be really well prepared and then go in the studio in November and start recording." ...

So it looks like they plan on filling out the album with a dozen songs or so; which probably means no side-long epics. :)

Asked about how the songs are developing, Alex Lifeson states the following:

... "there's a quality about this record that's very expansive and musically lyrical. It's very melodic. I've written almost exclusively on acoustic guitar. When Geddy and I write, I'm playing acoustic and he's playing bass, so there's a different character to the way the writing is developing.

"To me, it seems so apparent immediately whether a piece of music works or not when it's written on acoustic. You're not fooled by some distorted sound or some effect you put on guitar or something like that. This is pure in its essence and you know right away whether this chorus works or whether this verse works.

"So I'm really excited about the way this is going to develop once we start recording it."

Interesting. I'm psyched. Thanks to reader ken for the heads up.

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[Nick Raskulinecz to produce new Rush album]
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[Close encounters of the Alex Lifeson kind ... and new album news]
[New album, tour and book: News Update!]

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