According to this story on Sting's website, Rush and several other top musical artists including Sting, Dave Matthews, John Mayer, Alanis Morissette and Moby will be featured on an album titled, Songs for Tibet - The Art of Peace. From the story:
... The project is the artists' expression of peace and support for Tibet and the Dalai Lama.
The album features acoustic songs recorded by the artists that are proactive celebrations of our shared humanity and common search for happiness. The songs themselves reflect the sublime beauty and vulnerabilities experienced in pursuit of happiness, peace and freedom.
The album will release August 5th, three days before the opening of the Summer Olympics. ...
It's not clear whether the tracks will be previously released tracks from the artists or specially recorded for this album. Songs for Tibet is being produced by former Rush producer Rupert Hine (Presto, Roll the Bones) and can be pre-ordered through Amazon. Thanks to Paul from Toronto for the heads up.