Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 27, 2025

Alex Lifeson talks Envy of None, Lerxst Amps, and jamming with Geddy in new Ultimate Classic Rock interview

Thu, May 9, 2024@9:41AM | comments

Alex Lifeson hit the interview circuit this past week to promote all of his various projects including Envy of None, and his new line of signature gear at He's spoken with, Rolling Stone, Guitar World, and Guitarist, with the latest being this short interview with Ultimate Classic Rock, where Geddy talks about how he and Rush bandmate Geddy Lee have been getting together weekly to jam on Rush songs; something he'd also mentioned in his Rolling Stone interview (thanks Alex M):

... "We decided that we would play some Rush songs. Because, you know, we haven't played these songs in 10 years," Lifeson tells UCR. "We started that a couple of weeks ago. We get together one day a week over at his place. We just picked some Rush songs and we started playing them and we sound like a really, really bad Rush tribute band." Lifeson confesses he had to shake some rust off when he and Lee got started. "Trying to figure out the songs, I'm thinking, 'Why did we write that so difficult? Why is this so hard to play?'" he says. "After about three run-throughs of all of these songs, muscle memory kicks in and your hand just goes to where it goes. You sort of get out of the way and you play and you go, 'Thank God, I did make this simpler than it felt.'" ...

You can read the entire interview online here.
